Friends Testimonies
In a materialistic society, Friends strive to "live simply so that others may simply live." Friends' Testimonies have historically been distinctive and definitive. They are a common set of deeply-held, historically rooted attitudes and modes of living in the world. Testimonies bear witness to the truth as Friends in community perceive it, truth known through relationship with God. These are Peace, Integrity, Simplicity, Community, Stewardship and Equality. Friends conduct business in a spirit of worship and listening. Decisions are reached only through the unity of the Meeting by utilizing a model of consensus decision-making with an emphasis on divine guidance. Some modern business practices have patterned themselves based on this Quaker model.
For more information about Quaker Beliefs and Practices, there are a number of resources on the web. Two sites on which to start are Quaker Books and
These and other resources can be found on our Related Links Page.