Miami Monthly Meeting's Outreach
Miami Monthly Meeting has a long history of outreach, both to the local area and to communities and organizations beyond the area. Members continue to serve in leadership positions at Friends Home Inc., Quaker Heights Care Community, Waynesville Area Cultural Center, and Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting. In the past, we have also had members participate in hospital and prison visitation ministries.
We maintain a financial outreach to various Quaker organizations--American Friends Service Committee, the Peace Resource Center and Right Sharing of World Resources--and other charitable organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, Warren County Rape and Abuse Center, and the Chaplains' Prison Program.
We provide educational grants to our young members who are attending colleges and universities, though there currently no young members of the Meeting pursuing higher education with the assistance of the Meeting's educational grants.
If you would like to make a financial contribution to the Meeting, please mail your contribution to the Meeting's Treasurer:
Kaitlin Morrison, 441 E. Main St, Lebanon, Ohio 45036.