About Quakers
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) are people on a journey toward discovering and enhancing their spiritual life. They don't hold to a set dogma, but hold to basic, underlying, universal truths. There is that of God in everyone and, through stillness and waiting, we can discern the "still, small voice of God." We adhere to the testimonies of Peace, Equality, Simplicity, and Integrity.
From the beginning of the Religious Society of Friends, the respect for "that of God in everyone" has led Friends to oppose war and capital punishment. Women and men have been considered equal in worship, ministry, and conducting the business affairs of the Meeting. Eighteenth and nineteenth century Friends, such as John Woolman, were early abolitionists. Many Quaker women, including Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott, were in the forefront of the women's movement for the right to vote, family planning, and prison reform. Friends were early and strong advocates for a public education system in America.
For more on Quaker beliefs, you may want to read the Beliefs and Practices Page.