Miami Monthly Meeting

The Religious Society of Friends

169 S. Fourth Street
Waynesville, Ohio 45068

323 Kristina Ct.
Centerville, OH 45458

Useful Links

Links to Other Websites

This page contains links to sites related to Miami Monthly Meeting and Quakerism in general. Click the name of the organization to be taken to their website. Note that clicking one of these links may take you away from the OVYM site to the site you selected. If you have other links you would like to see shared on this page, please use the Contact Us Page.

Walk in the Light: A History of the Waynesville Quaker Historic District, is a half-hour documentary about Waynesville Quakers and Miami Monthly Meeting, produced by members of Miami Monthly Meeting.

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. In 1947, AFSC was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, on behalf of all Quakers for their work "...from the nameless to the nameless..."

Barclay Press is a Quaker publisher of books, the daily devotional "Fruit of the Vine," and a reseller of books from other publishers.

Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) fields the largest team of registered peace lobbyists in Washington, DC. FCNL's multi-issue advocacy connects historic Quaker testimonies on peace, equality, simplicity, and truth with peace and social justice issues which the US government is or should be addressing.

Friends General Conference (FGC), with Divine guidance, nurtures the spiritual vitality of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) by providing programs and services for Friends, meetings, and seekers.

Friends Journal is published by Friends Publishing Corporation. Their goal is to serve the Quaker community and the wider community of spiritual seekers through the publication of articles, poetry, letters, art, and news that convey the contemporary experience of Friends.

Friends Journal Archive is an index of over 8000 articles by over 4000 authors on 200 topics; articles written between 1955 and 2011. Subscribers to Friends Journal have easy access to the text of those articles on the Friends Journal site.

Friends Music Camp is for young people, ages 10-18, who wish to pursue musical excellence while participating in a caring community in a summer camp environment at Olney Friends School.

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). The purpose of the Friends World Committee for Consultation is to encourage fellowship among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends.

Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting (OVYM) is a Yearly Meeting consisting of 20 Monthly Meetings, of which Miami Monthly Meeting is a part.

Pendle Hill Retreat Center is a Quaker residential study center grounded in the faith, practices, and testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends and rooted in the unifying experience of divine guidance.

Quaker Books is FGC's Bookstore and provides literature and other resources for Friends and Friends' Meetings throughout North America and the world.

Quaker Information Center, a service of the Earlham School of Religion, is a gateway to Quaker heritage and to modern Quakerism. The QIC serves both the Quaker community and the general public in its quest to increase awareness about Friends and Quaker institutions.

Quaker.Org is a website for all things Quaker and contains a huge list of links to other Quaker websites.

Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) is a program of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) supporting grassroots projects for economic development and offering educational materials for the study of the lives of the poor, the lives of the rich, and the spiritual meaning of both.

Overview Overview
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Overview Miami Friends and Slavery Hicksite History
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