Welcome to Miami Monthly Meeting
Miami Monthly Meeting of Friends is committed to meeting your needs for spiritual and emotional support. Please reach out to the Meeting's
leadership, listed on the Connect With Us Page with any concerns or needs.
Thank you for your interest in Miami Monthly Meeting of Friends (Quakers). Whether you're a first-time visitor looking for information about Quakers or an active member checking for latest news or calendar updates, we're so glad you're visiting our website.
Miami is a Quaker (Friends) faith community living the Quaker Testimonies of peace, equality, and simplicity in worship, spirituality, and lifestyle. We gather in silent, waiting worship (meditation) and members speak out of the silence as the Spirit moves, as is the custom of Quaker worship.
Visitors are always welcome at Meeting for Worship and we hope you find strength and peace while you worship with us. No special preparation is necessary and dress is casual. If you live in Southwestern Ohio, or are planning to visit the area, we will be delighted to have you attend our Meeting for Worship. You are also welcome to participate in any of our fellowship programs, which includes a carry-in luncheon (potluck) immediately following Worship on the first Sunday of the month. We also have other special programs and gatherings that will be posted to the Calendar Page and the News Page as they are scheduled.
For directions and an interactive map, please see our Connect with Us Page. Please feel free to explore the rest of our website for other opportunities to find out more about Quakers in general and Miami Friends in particular.
Our goal for this site is to provide you with information about us, both for long-time members and attendees, and those who've never visited Miami Monthly Meeting. We hope that you will use this site as a source of information to keep you up-to-date on coming events and the latest news about Miami Monthly Meeting.
Special arrangements to visit the Meetinghouse or our historic burial grounds outside of our normal program times can be made by contacting us, which you may do either by mail at the address on the top right corner of the page or by using the Contact Us Page.
If you would like to make a financial contribution to the Meeting, please mail your contribution to the Meeting's Treasurer:
Kaitlin Morrison, 441 E. Main St, Lebanon, Ohio 45036.