Swarthmore Friends Meeting  of the Religious Society of Friends

About Us
College Students
Cooking for the Homeless
Current Committees & Officers
Faith and Play - Photos
How To Join
Jumble Sale-Photos
Memorial Services
Memorial Minutes
Visitor Information
Nursery School
Religious Education, FDS
Rental Space Available
Web Editor
Young Adult Friends
Contact Us








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A Warm Welcome to 
Swarthmore Quaker Meeting! 
Sundays, 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

We are a Quaker community of spiritual seekers with a foundation in silent worship.  Our Meeting for Worship is held every Sunday morning, 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. 

All are welcome to attend!  

Is this your first time to our Meeting? Please check New Visitor Information and Directions to Swarthmore Meeting

We provide Nursery care for young children and First Day School (Religious Education) for older children during Meeting for Worship.  A small but enthusiastic group of us gathers for Hymn Singing at 9:30 a.m. around the piano in the Meetinghouse.

Our worship experience supports our Testimonies on peace, justice, the environment, and other social concerns.  After Meeting we have light refreshments and often hold Forums and Seeker's Sessions. The latter provides adult religious education on Quaker history, spiritual life, and our Testimonies.

Like other "unprogrammed" Quaker Meetings, we have no clergy; our members and attenders take responsibility for the life and work of the Meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Titus, Meeting Secretary at (610) 328-8699 or email:   

   [email protected]  

Mary Titus, Office Secretary

To learn more about Quakerism and the varied activities of Friends, you can explore these links to other web sites. We are fortunate to have Pendle Hill, the Quaker Center for Spiritual Growth, within walking distance from the Meetinghouse.


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Swarthmore Friends Meeting

12 Whittier Place, Swarthmore, PA 19081

  • Office hours: Tuesday though Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Your telephone or email message will be answered promptly.

  • Telephone: (610) 328-8699; email: [email protected], website: http://swarthmore.quaker.org

  • Christine DeGrado, Clerk of Meeting; Mary Titus, Meeting Secretary