Swarthmore Friends Meeting  of the Religious Society of Friends









Links to Other Quaker-friendly Web Sites


The World Quaker Web Site
The most comprehensive on-line collection of Quaker writings, history, organizations and other things Quaker.

The Quaker Finder Web Site

To Find a Quaker Meeting Near You.

Religious Society of Friends

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

The regional Quaker body covering Delaware, the eastern half of Pennsylvania, southern half of New Jersey and part of Maryland. Accessible at the site are PYM publications, including Faith and Practice which deals with the beliefs and practices of PYM Friends, the PYM News newsletter, PYM pamphlets, and the Friends and Education newsletter; a guide to local member Monthly Meetings; information and background documents for PYM annual sessions; the Young Friends page for teenage Friends; the activities of PYM through its Standing Committees and Working Groups, a staff directory, and a guide to its organizational structure, the PYM Nominating Committee Handbook; a calendar of events; and the online catalog of the PYM library.

Faith and Practice of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Faith and Practice is a book which details the beliefs and practices of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) within the area served by the Yearly Meeting.  First adopted in 1955, Faith and Practice was revised in 1972.  After 25 years and numerous re-printings, it was revised in 1997 and again revised in 2002, with updates in the section on Yearly Meeting structures and a new section of biographical notes.

Friends General Conference

A national Quaker association in the unprogrammed tradition of the Religious Society of Friends of 14 Yearly Meetings and Regional Groups. Includes information about the Friends General Conference's (FGC) mission and work, up-coming conferences, an on-line bookstore, and a library of publications available on-line.

Friends World Committee for Consultation

Acts in a consultative capacity to promote better understanding among Friends the world over, particularly by the encouragement of joint conferences and intervisitation, the collection and circulation of information about Quaker literature and other activities directed towards that end.


Swarthmore College


Pendle Hill

A nearby Quaker study and retreat center.

Peace and Social Concerns

American Friends Service Committee
A Quaker organization with programs in the United States and abroad that focus on issues related to economic justice, peace-building and demilitarization, social justice, and youth.

Friends Committee on National Legislation

A Quaker lobby, based in Washington, DC, seeking a world free of war and the threat of war, a society with equity and justice for all, a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled and an earth restored.


The online peace and concerns network of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.

Quaker United Nations Offices

A Quaker presence at the United Nations in New York and Geneva, representing Friends concerns at the international level and facilitating people-to-people diplomacy on global issues.

Right Sharing of World Resources

An independent Quaker organization supporting grassroots microprojects for economic development in Third World countries and offering educational materials on the spiritual impact of materialism on our lives.

Friends Journal

An electronic link to a monthly journal devoted to Quaker practice and belief. It contains the contents of recent issues and an on-line subscription form.