God.  To do wherever we are asked by God to do. - Chris Moore Bachman, Pacific Yearly Meeting

Part of what aches me in the US is the knowledge that I am living on other's suffering. - Carin Anderson, Pacific Yearly Meeting

We didn't need another peace conference; we all needed to listen to God.  Our lists are long and burdensome.  We are filled with fear.  We cannot hear [God's message for us] if we are filled with fear.  - Jan Wood

We live in a raw and wounded world.  -  Jan Wood

As clumsy as we are, we are enough. - Jan Wood

In every instant Christ is enfleshed (born again) or crucified - [it's] our choice. - Jan Wood

Renewing Friends Peace Testimony - Report on 2003 FWCC Conference
By Robert L. Wixom

"Force may subdue, but Love gains.  And he that forgives first, wins the laurel".
William Penn (1693)

"...Love is the only way.  It is an eternal reminder to a generation depending on nuclear and atomic energy, a generation depending on physical violence, that love is the only creative, redemptive, transforming power in the universe..."
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1960s)

Friends' Peace Testimony began with the well known statement in 1661 to King Charles II, "We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons for any evil..." This message was continued with William Penn's above message.  These and many other subsequent messages have enriched our understanding, deepened our spiritual roots with Peace and strengthened our ongoing commitment to peace action and non-violence.  However, these resources are undergoing challenges  in today's world that is rife with violence, hate, terrorism, injustice and the continuing threat of war - yes, war with nuclear-, chemical- and microbial weapons - the weapons of mass destruction.

Our Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas (FWCC) has the traditional purpose "to be a channel of communication between Friends, helping us to explore and nurture our identity as Quakers so that we can discover and be faithful to our true place in the world as a people of God..." Responding to the tragic acts of terrorism - the so-called "9/11" major destruction and loss of lives, FWCC in March 2002 issued a call for "a special conference for Friends' response to the growing dangers of global war and terrorism, 

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