"postcards" from the author written from the various cities she visited and recounting her intimate thoughts and some events of her own life. These postcards are inserted between the six sections of the book and help tie everything together. The titles of the six sections demonstrate how Marcia ties the stories of these 12 diverse individuals together, as follows: reversal, return, revision, remembrance, rebirth, and renewal. 

Anyone concerned with our human condition or desiring positive ideas and inspiration - or anyone who simply enjoys a good read - will enjoy and appreciate this book, which was published in 2001 by Sheed & Ward. The book is available in some Barnes & Noble bookstores, some religious bookstores and through amazon.com.

Come and Sit: A Week Inside Meditation Centers by Marcia Z. Nelson
This concise book discusses issues and values of meditation. Marcia participated in programs in various meditation centers - Zen Buddhist, Tibetan Buddhist, Hindu, Sufi, Christian and Jewish - describing her experiences and the many questions that were raised. Some answers and many techniques are suggested. Details about meditation centers and various resources are listed. Even if the reader does not choose to contact any of the meditation centers described, the reader will be challenged and helped by discussions of various issues and difficulties in meditation. Many surprising thoughts and gentle humorous suggestions will assist anyone in meditation who has an open mind. Warning: After reading this book, you'll want to begin meditating, or begin meditating more frequently, and not just think about it.

This 192-page book was published in 2002 by SkyLight Paths Publishing and is available in chain bookstores and through amazon.com.

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Summer 2003 Among Friends  18