About Hlekweni
Hlekweni is a rural training centre outside Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, which specialises in bio-intensive agriculture, and also offers practical training courses on subjects from
building and carpentry to garment-making and early childhood education.

bio-intensive food garden
Hlekweni was founded in 1967 by Roy and Irene Henson as a partial response to problems facing young primary school leavers in the late sixties unable to go on to secondary education or find formal employment. Training in appropriate rural skills was hoped to assist them living in their villages, and help uplift rural life generally more...
Hlekweni is built on Valindre Farm A, 1,800 acres in size and mainly concentrating on cattle more...
With over 250 pupils, Samathonga primary school on Hlekweni grounds came 5th in academic performance in a district of
91 primary schools in 2008 more...
Efforts to establish a clinic had been made from 1978, and these may finally be coming to fruition more...
trainees by year |
| 1970 : 95 | 1980 : 107 | 1990 : 365 | 2000 : 130 |
| 1971 : 119 | 1981 : 117 | 1991 : 269 | 2001 : none |
| 1972 : 213 | 1982 : 435 | 1992 : 355 | 2002 : 110 |
| 1973 : 218 | 1983 : 467 | 1993 : 315 | 2003 : 103 |
| 1974 : 321 | 1984 : 324 | 1994 : 330 | 2004 : 602 |
| 1975 : 210 | 1985 : 340 | 1995 : 295 | 2005 : 541 |
| 1976 : 198 | 1986 : 526 | 1996 : 345 | 2006 : 505 |
1967 : 45 | 1977 : 235 | 1987 : 508 | 1997 : 285 |
2007 : 224 |
1968 : 76 | 1978 : 306 | 1988 : 499 | 1998 : 264 | 2008 : 185 |
1969 : 104 | 1979 : 310 | 1989 : 390 | 1999 : 212 | |
| | | | total:11,598 |
