Quaker Resources for Sexuality and Spirituality
(a work in progress)
This list is compiled primarily from two efforts. First, the Young Adult Friends Epistle on Sexual Boundaries generated many responses, including references to some of the items listed here. Second, most of the items below were suggested by participants of Sexuality: Our Continuing Search, a workshop led by Peggy Brick at the 2001 Gathering of Friends General Conference. For now at least, any comments come from them as well.
In addition, this list will evolve with responses from you and other visitors. Some sections are notably thin; we would welcome any additions. Please share any suggestions and comments with the webservant. If you would like to suggest an addition, please be sure to provide the following, if applicable, so that we will have as complete a bibliographic reference as possible:
- Author
- Title
- Publication in which it appears, such as a journal, including any volume number, editor, etc.
- Publisher/ Organization
- Publication Date
- Publication Location
- Web address
Quaker-Specific Resources
Non-Quaker-Specific Resources
General Resources on Sexuality
Quaker-Specific Resources
Integrating Sexuality & Spirituality, especially a Quaker view
Blood, Peter. "In the Presence of God & These Our Friends: Embodiment, Sex, and Our Life in God." at http://www.quakersong.org/sex_and_our_life_in_god/, 2/2006.
Brick, Peggy. "Some Quaker Perspectives on Sexuality," in Kenworthy, Leonard. Friends Face the World.
- an excellent survey of Quaker experiences on the issue since 1960.
Calderone, Mary S. Human Sexuality and the Quaker Conscience. Friends General Conference. 1973 Rufus Jones Lecture.
Calvi, John. "Quakers, Sexuality, and Spirituality" in Friends Journal, 6/2004, Vol. 50, No. 6, p. 16.
Friends Committee on Unity with Nature. A Witness on Sexuality for Friends. 10/1999. Order at http://www.quakerearthcare.org/Publications/WebPamphlets/sexuality.htm.
Friends Committee on Unity with Nature. Toward Taking Away the Occasion of Abortion. 8/2000 Order at http://www.quakerearthcare.org/Publications/WebPamphlets/abortion.htm.
Frost, Jerry. Three Twentieth-Century Revolutions: Liberal Theology, Sexual Moralities, Peace Testimoniesis http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/friends/FGC2000.htm
Frost, Jerry. "Sex is not a shortcut to spirituality:" Liberal Quakers Confront the 20th-century Sexual Revolutions http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/friends/sexspirituality.htm
Hoffman, Janet. "Eros and the Life of the Spirit." Keynote Address, Midwinter Gathering, Friends for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, February 1982, revised 1987, in Each of Us Inevitable: Some Keynote Addresses, Given at Friends for Lesbian and Gay Concerns and Friends General Conference Gatherings, 19771993, Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns (FLGBTQC), 2003, at http://flgbtqc.quaker.org/Each_Us_Inev/EOUI-Hoffman.PDF.
Johnson, Eric. FGC speech on Sexual Morality (early 80's)
Lacey, Paul A. Temptation: A Meditation on Sexual Morality. Pendle Hill Bulletin No. 170, April, 1964.
Mace, David. The Christian Response to the Sexual Revolution. 1970.
McQuail, Tony. Balance is Beautiful, Ecology, Economy, Politics, and Sex. Canadian Quaker Pamphlet Series No. 46. 8/1997.
New England Yearly Meeting Ministry and Counsel. Living with Oneself and Others, especially Chapter 2, Human Sexuality. 1/2001, pp. 5-12. http://www.neym.org/lwoo.pdf (186K for full document)
Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting. Guide for Discussions on Sexuality. 1991.
This We Can Say: Talking Honestly About Sex.Nine Friends Press, Reading, England, 1995.
- effort from revisiting Towards a Quaker View of Sex (1963)
Towards a Quaker View of Sex: An Essay by a Group of Friends. Quaker Home Service, London, 1963, revised 1964. Excerpts are available at http://www.worldpolicy.org/projects/globalrights/sexorient/1964-quaker.html
Watson, Elizabeth. Sexuality: a Part of Wholeness. Pamphlet. Family Relations Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1982, reprinted 1990; reprinted 2001 by Care and Counsel for Meetings and Members, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. in Acrobat (pdf) format
- highly recommended.
Woodbrooke England Conference Center. Handout containing all references to sexuality found in the 25 books of Faith and Practiceof North American Yearly Meetings at that time. Spring term, 1993.
Yungblut, John. Sex and the Human Psyche: Toward a Contemporary Ethic. Pendle Hill Pamphlet #203. 1975.
Yungblut, John R. "Sexuality and Spirituality." Chapter in Yungblut, The Gentle Art of Spiritual Guidance. Continuum Publishing Co., NY, 1988.
Healthy Sexuality and Relationships, especially Communication
Foster, Richard. Money, Sex & Power: The Challenge of the Disciplined Life.Harper & Row, 1985.
- "eloquent statement of the case that sex is only ok within one man-one woman marriage"
Sexuality Education in our Homes, Meetings, and Schools
Ohio Yearly Meeting, held at Barnesville. The statement describing a 'model' for Olney Friends School. pp.40,41. 1997.
Respecting Sexual Boundaries and Addressing Violations
(See also Meeting Minutes and Documents.)
Canadian Yearly Meeting Personnel Committee, Policy on Sexual Harassment at http://www.fgcquaker.org/library/fosteringmeetings/0304.html.
Glazer, Daphne. Trust and Trespass: Quaker Meetings and Sex Offenders. Britain Yearly Meeting, 2004.
- this book addresses safety, trust, and forgiveness for Friends.
Jorgenson, Christel. "Child Safety" in FGC REsource, Friends General Conference (FGC), Autumn 2004, Issue 8. http://fgcquaker.org/religious-ed/re-newsletter-08-fall04.html
New England Yearly Meeting Ministry and Counsel, Working Party on Sexual Abuse. Addressing Sexual Abuse in Friends Meetings. 1994.
Pacific Yearly Meeting. Minute regarding sexual discrimination, harassment and abuse among friends. Approved, 8/1996.
- describes responses by six other yearly and monthly meetings and lists many resources.
Prospect Hill Monthly Meeting, Northern Yearly Meeting. Prevention Of Sexual And Physical Abuse. 7/6/1997
Quaker Home Service, Britain Yearly Meeting. Meeting Safety. 2001.
- While the language and specific legal details in this booklet are particular to the UK, the queries and examples are from a Quaker perspective, making this resource valuable even in the US.
Rochester MM (NY), Minute on Dealing with a Child Abuser in the Meeting Community, 5/14/1995, at http://www.fgcquaker.org/library/fosteringmeetings/0305.html
Young Adult Friends Epistle on Sexual Boundaries online here at http://sexuality.quaker.org/files/YAFepistle.html
Sexual Orientation
(See also Meeting Minutes and Documents.)
Barnett, Walter. Homosexuality and the Bible: An Interpretation. Pendle Hill Pamphlet #226
Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns (FLGBTQC). Each of Us Inevitable: Some Keynote Addresses, Given at Friends for Lesbian and Gay Concerns and Friends General Conference Gatherings, 19771993, 2003, at http://flgbtqc.quaker.org/eachofus.html.
Non-Quaker-Specific Resources
Integrating Sexuality & Spirituality
Center for Sexuality and Religion http://www.ctrsr.org/ccr.html
Eisler, Riane. Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body--New Paths to Power and Love. Harper, San Francisco, 1996.
Francoeur, Robert T. "Sexuality and Spirituality: The Relevance of Eastern Traditions." in SIECUS Report, Vol. 20 No. 4, April/May 1992.
Kelsey, Morton & Barbara. The Sacrament of Sexuality: The Spirituality and Psychology of Sex. Element, 1986.
- "Challenges powerfully patriarchal assumptions about sex from Christian tradition. Kelseys are 2 of the best known Christian leaders in the progressive tradition."
Leckey, Dolores. The Ordinary Way: A Family Spirituality. Crossroad, 1982.
- "A wonderful description of spiritual disciplines of family life, much neglected by most men in their chase after more "important" matters, like success at work and saving the world. This is not on sexuality per se but very closely related in that it honors and celebrates involvement in/life in the family."
Nelson, James B., and Sandra P. Longfellow. Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for Theological Reflection. Westminster/John Knox Press, Louisville, KY, 1994.
Nelson, James B. Between Two Gardens: Reflections on Sexuality and Religious Experience. The Pilgrim Press, New York, 1983.
- " excellent " according to an FGC 2001 workshop participant
Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing. Religious Declaration on Sexual Morality, Justice and Healing. http://www.uua.org/news/siecus/declaration0100.html
A declaration by religious leaders that affirms a progressive religious view on sexuality issues. Reprints suitable for framing. (2000)
Richards, David E. "Sexuality and Study Commissions in Churches and Synagogues." in SIECUS Report, Vol. 20 No. 4, April/May 1992.
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS) Resources for Religious Institutions. http://www.siecus.org/religion/reli0000.html
- more references and links!
SIECUS Annotated Bibliography on Religion, Spirituality, and Sexuality. (Published in the SIECUS Report, Vol. 28, No. 4 - April/May 2000) http://www.siecus.org/pubs/biblio/bibs0008.html
SIECUS Report: Religion and Sexuality, Vol. 26 No. 1, October/November 1997. http://www.siecus.org/siecusreport/volume26/26-1.pdf
Articles are:
The Really Good News: What the Bible Says About Sex
The Journey of Sexuality Educators to Faith Communities
Clergy as Sexuality Educators: What Are Seminaries Doing? What Do They
Need To Do?
Stayton, William R. "A Theology of Sexual Pleasure." in SIECUS Report, Vol. 20 No. 4, April/May 1992.
Timmerman, Joan H. Sexuality and Spiritual Growth. Crossroad, New York, 1992. 160p.
-favorably reviewed in SIECUS Report, Vol. 20 No. 4, April/May 1992.
Yates, Wilson. "The Church and its Holistic Paradigm of Sexuality." in SIECUS Report, Vol. 16 No. 4,5, May/June 1988.
Healthy sexuality and Relationships, especially Communication
"Life Behaviors of a Sexually Healthy Adult" in Haffner, Debra W. A Time to Speak: Faith Communities and Sexuality Education. Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS), 1998.
May, Gerald. Addiction & Grace. Harper & Row, 1988.
- "So much of unfaithful sexuality revolves around addictions. This is the best spiritual/Christian analysis of what addicitons are about I know of. May believes addiction represent a doomed attempt to assert complete control over our lives. Instead we can only come to terms with ourselves and live in harmony with the world through surrender to grace. May is a Christian psychiatrist on the staff of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Wash DC and author of Will & Spirit: Towards a Contemplative Psychology."
Nelson, James B. The Intimate Connection MaleSexuality, Masculine Spirituality. The Westminster Press. 1988.
- "Nelson is a Christian ethicist by profession but wrote this book from his own personal experiences as a man. Nelson explores issues of intimacy and friendship for men. Nelson understands the need to embrace and transform our masculinity and this book is full of challenging insights about how we men structure our sexuality and how that affects all our relationships."
Sexuality Education in our Homes, Churches, and Schools
Advocates for Youth. Teens & Sex in Europe: A Story of Rights, Respect, & Responsibility. Film. http://www.advocatesforyouth.org (202) 347-5700
- Excellent video, highly recommended by the 2001 FGC workshop; examines why abortions, STDs, early sex, etc., are less common in Europe than in U.S.
Calderone, Mary S., and Eric W. Johnson. The Family Book About Sexuality. Harper & Row, NY, 1981.
The Center for Family Life Education, Planned Parenthood of Bergen County, Inc. (Brick)
Bodies, Birth, and Babies: Sexuality Education in Early Childhood Programs.
Healthy Foundations: Developing Positive Policies and Programs Regarding Young Children's Learning about Sexuality.
Healthy Foundations: The Teacher's Book, Responding to Young Children's Questions and Behaviors Regarding Sexuality.
Gale, Jay. A Parents Guide to Teenage Sexuality. Henry Holt & Co., NY, 1989.
Haffner, Debra W. A Time to Speak: Faith Communities and Sexuality Education. Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS), 1998.
Kivel, Paul. Boys Will Be Men: Raising Our Sons for Courage, Caring, and Community. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC, Canada, 1999.
Leight, Lynn, R.N. Raising Sexually Healthy Children: A Loving Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Care-Givers. Avon Books, NY, 1988.
Males, Michael. The Scapegoat Generation: America's War on Adolescence.
Roffman, Deborah. Sex and Sensibility: The Thinking Parent's Guide to Talking Sense About Sex. Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, MA, 2001.
Our Whole Lives. Series published by jointly by Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries of the United Church of Christ. http://www.uua.org/owl
Families Are Talking. A special supplement to the SIECUS Report. http://www.siecus.org/pubs/families/Families_Newsletter.pdf
Rutgers University. Sex, Etc.: A Newsletter by Teens for Teens.http://www.sxetc.org/
Respecting Sexual Boundaries and Addressing Violations
Crabtree, Jack. Better Safe than Sued. Group Publishing, Loveland, CO,1998.
- Everything you never thought of with respect to child/ youth safety. Hazards around every corner! But a good wake up call for those who seem naive.
International Assocation for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders:
Landsberger, Joe. Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Behavior
A guide for individuals within religious organizations in dealing with sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior. http://personal2.stthomas.edu/jflandsberge/decisions/behavior/behavior.htm
Melton, Joy Thornburg. Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse in the Church. Discipleship Resources, Nashville, TN, 2002. http://www.discipleshipresources.org. Discipleship resources is a "publishing unit of the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church."
- "Unique features include: suggested process and tools for developing and implementing policy; guidance in recruiting, screening, and hiring workers; basic procedures for safe ministry with youth; how to handle issues related to camping, retreats, mission trips, lock-ins, choir tours, and other settings; how to develop a congregational plan to respond to allegations of abuse; suggested training model for youth ministry workers; service and stories of healing; sample forms." from http://www.upperroom.org/bookstore/description.asp?item_id=155162&category=1095&sub_category=1219
- Clear and concise, with sample policies, forms and implementation procedures.
Melton, Joy Thornburg. Safe Sanctuaries for Youth: Reducing the Risk of Abuse in Youth Ministries. Discipleship Resources, Nashville, TN, 2003. http://www.discipleshipresources.org.
- more directed at Middle School and High School programming.
Nonprofit Risk Management Center. The Season of Hope: A Risk Management Guide for Youth-Serving Nonprofits. Washington, DC. http://www.nonprofitrisk.org. See description at http://www94311.temp.w1.com/pubs/hope.htm.
reducingtherisk.com. The Reducing the Risk II resource kit includes six training videos on DVD, a reference book, and a training manual for only $49.95. Plus your congregation receives a 1-year FREE membership to the reducingtherisk.com Online Training and Resource Center!
Sexual Orientation
American Psychiatric Association Commission on Psychotherapy by Psychiatrists (COPP). Position Statement on Therapies Focused on Attempts to Change Sexual Orientation (Reparative or Conversion Therapies)
Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association. http://www.hbigda.org/
SIECUS. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenderep, and Questioning Youth. SIECUS Report, Vol. 29, No. 4, April/May 2001.
General Resources on Sexuality
D'Emilio and Freedman, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America.University of Chicago Press, December 1997. 438p
"excellent, not just about middle-class whites"
Michael, Robert T., John H. Gagnon, Edward O. Laumann, and Gina Kolata. Sex in America: A Definitive Survey.National Health and Social Life Survey, NY: Little Brown, 1994.
Plummer, Ken. Telling Sexual Stories: Power, Change, & Social Worlds. Routledge, December 1994. 288p
Reiss, Ira. Solving America's Sexual Crisis. Prometheus Books, U.S., October 1997. 287p
says that for pluralistic society, sexual morality needs to include "H.E.R."
- honesty
- equality
- responsibility
Thornfield Workshops on Sexuality. http://www.sexualityworkshop.com/
Goals are:
- To increase awareness and understanding of our own sexuality and that of others.
- To explore models for being sexually healthy.
- To increase the comfort and confidence of professionals in the areas of sexuality and sexual diversity education.
University of Minnesota Program in Human Sexuality: http://www.med.umn.edu/fp/phs/phsindex.htm
World Association for Sexology: http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/m201/colem001/was/
Compiled originally by Ken Stockbridge, 7/28/2001. Revised subsequently (see below).