Answering Terror
Answering Terror Responses To War And Peace after 9/11/2001 Edited by Sharon HooverD. 2006 223 PP. Paper ISBN 0-9779511-0-3 $24.95 Friends Journal

The 9/11/01 terrorist attacks prompted both an outpouring of feeling and a serious examination of the Quaker peace testimony. This searching anthology of Friends' responses to this crisis and its repercussions reveals a profound diversity of Quaker thought. Quaker theologian Walter Wink writes of Answering Terror: �Every doubt, vacillation, conviction, and act of courage that Quakers have ever entertained rises to the surface.� Sociologist and peace activist Elise Boulding writes, �What a wonderful and inspiring read this book will be for the Quaker community!�

Answering Terror is not an easy read. It stirs memories both external (the collapse of the towers) and internal (the sense of horror, shock. arid powerlessness that followed). Rereading the words of Friends in the time that has followed s a heart-opener. Answering Terror implies something terribly important is happening as we discern a way forward that is Spirit-led. It invites readers to join an ongoing conversation to face hard issues with intelligence, wit, and passion - and to do so with honesty, courage. and respect for diversity. This book has the potential to shake you up pretty righteously - so be prepared, but don't shirk the journey.
     --Jack Patterson (former Quaker Representative to the United nations)

On the surface there is a debate on nonviolence pro and con. But under the surface, every doubt. vacillation, conviction, and act of courage that Quakers have ever entertained rises to the surface. We have massive corroboration that nonviolence has worked in cases of national liberation. The wor1d has been lurching toward democracy of late, and democracy is the institutionalization of nonviolence. For those with eyes to see, the proliferation of nonviolence con be regarded as the work of the Holy Spirit in history
     --Walter Wink (Professor Emeritus of Biblical Interpretation, Auburn Theological Seminary)

This collection of responses to the September 11 onslaught of violence gives us a special opportunity to rethink our lives and our testimonies. The diversity of responses lets us know that the Friends Testimonies are still in process of development, and offers a multiplicity of ways to witness to those testimonies. What a wonderful and inspiring read this book will be for the Quaker community!
     -- Elise Boulding (Professor Emerita of Sociology, Dartmouth College)

If the heartfelt suggestions in this volume had been followed after September 11, the world could have taken a giant step toward brother- and sisterhood, and the people of the U.S. would be more secure than all the weapons on the planet could provide. I encourage everyone who wants to rid the world of terrorism to read this book.
     -- David Hartsough (Founder and Capacity Building Director-- Nonviolent Peaceforce)

For generations we have been fighting wars to end all wars, only to breed more wars. Yet more people are rejecting violence and applying nonviolent ways to resolve conflicts. We commend Answering Terror to everyone wrestling today with the challenge of state violence, terrorism, and violence in the family.
     -- George and Lillian Willoughby (lifelong peace activists)