Wrestling With Our Faith Tradition
Wrestling with Our Faith Tradition Collected Public Witness, 1995-2004 by Lloyd Lee Wilson
ISBN 978-1-888305-36-4Quaker Press of FGC, 2005, 240 pp., paperback $18.95

We are invited to participate in the counter-cultural action of putting God at the center of our stories, rather than ourselves. Deborah Shaw, from the Foreword

Wrestling with Our Faith Tradition chronicles the vocal ministry offered by Lloyd Lee Wilson at Friendly gatherings and yearly meetings over a ten-year period. Many invitations to travel among Friends followed from the publication of his book, Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order, first printed in 1993. You may have had the privilege of hearing one of these messages delivered in person. Now we all have the good fortune of reading the wise words of Lloyd Lee Wilson, a recorded minister in the Quaker tradition. His journey offers us a growing understanding based in faithfulness and an invitation for all of us to deepen our experience of the Divine. Some of the themes explored are how to make room in one's life for God, living in a community of faith and the Biblical basis for the peace testimony.

Lloyd Lee Wilson asks and helps answer the question: how can Friends engage the faith tradition of classic Quakerism so that it is both relevant to our present circumstances and true to its historic roots?Lloyd Lee Wilson, minister of the gospel, writer, educator and activist has also used his management skills and training to help nonprofit and charitable organizations in housing for low-income persons, affordable health care and services for victims of domestic violence. His travels in the ministry and publications are under the care of Rich Square Monthly Meeting and North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative).