Turtles Way
Turtles Way: Loggy, Greeny, & Leather by Mara Uman Hixon -- illustrated by Steve J. Harris ISBN 1887774-20-3, $16.00 Canmore Press
Turtles Way: Loggy, Greeny, & Leather scientifically depicts the life-cycles of Atlantic sea turtles as observed by the author and as explained to her pre-school daughter from their window on the Atlantic Ocean. Depictions of the moon in this book are of crescent moons and full moons because this works artistically. Turtle eggs are laid throughout the lunar cycle and hatch during a similar moon-cycle approximately sixty days after they are laid, as stated in the test. Eggs laid during a quarter moon, hatch in a quarter moon cycle, not during a full moon as rendered in the illustrations.

Preschool; scientifically accurate introduction to three of life's huge creatures, a finely spun tale; great illustrations.

To my father who introduced me to the beach and shared his love of turtles with me when I was a little girl,
and to my mother who taught me empathy for all animals.
To Jose, my husband, for being unbelievably supportive; my best friend, and lifelong surfing partner: I love you.
To our beloved daughter, Isabella, to whom I have told this story many times, as we waited for and watche the huge turtles
Crawl out of the sea, and later as we watched their hatchlings climb from their holes and race toward the waves.