Science In Faith And Hope
Science In Faith And Hope An Interaction BY GEORGE ELLIS, 2004 44 PP. Paper, ISBN 085245371 X, $9.00, Britain YM
In May 2004, the South African cosmologist George was awarded the Templeton Prize for progress toward research or discoveries about spiritual realities. On his visit to London to receive the prize, he gave a talk about the interaction of science and religion, at an event organised by Quaker Quest at Friends House. This pamphlet is an edited version of the talk. Physics alone cannot account for intentional factors in everyday life. So how do theories of the universe relate to human ethics and values, to faith and hope? "His is an open and expanding vision rather than a closed and final one"
-John Cornwell, The Tablet

Science And Religion The Nature Of Their Interaction Today BY GEORGE ELLIS 2004 AUDIO CD, $12.00, Quaker Quest
In 2004 Friend George Ellis was awarded the Templeton Prize for research or discoveries about spiritual realities. While in London to receive the prize, the organizers of the Quaker Quest program, invited him to deliver the talk recorded here.