Living in Virtue
Living in Virtue, Declaring Against War The Spiritual Roots of the Peace Testimony By Steve Smith 0875743781 (PHP 378) $4.00
Born in an era of profound spiritual awakening, the Quaker Peace Testimony remains a radical challenge today - to live Jesus' message of love, forgiveness and reconciliation. Neither religious dogma not philosophical principle, it offers no easy answers, only a daunting question - how shall we live "in the virtue of that life and power that took away the occasion of all wars?" When I stand in utter sincerity in the pure Light of Christ, the causes of violence and hatred melt away from my life, bringing me into sweet harmony with all of creation. Abiding in God, I know that God abides in me. Love banishes fear. Anxiety drops away, replaced by confidence, courage and joy. I find my prophetic voice, and am free to act boldly in the world. This is the story of my discovery and conviction in the Light. - Steve Smith