Earthcare for Friends
Earthcare for Friends, a Study Guide for Individuals and Faith Communities, Louis Cox, Ingrid Fabianson, Sandra Moon Farley, and Ruah Swennerfelt, eds. 2004, 270 pages. $18.00. Quaker Earthcare Witness
This study guide is designed to help Friends understand specific ways that human activities have been despoiling the earth, God's creation, and how this damage is intensified by today's materialistic culture; different ways of living and thinking that can bring harmony among humans and between humans and the natural world; why stewardship--living in ways that protect the health of the earth--is necessary for a vital relationship with God and others; what the Bible, Christian tradition, and Quaker tradition teach about care for the earth and its inhabitants; how Earthcare is a natural expression of the historic Quaker testimonies of peace, equality, justice, simplicity, and integrity; the remarkable convergence of modern science and faith traditions in understanding that all things are ultimately connected.