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the Fox River on our second annual trip, this time for 12 miles instead of 6. This fall, our theme in Assembly is connecting "school" history with Quaker history. The children are working to create a time line that incorporates both histories. Our older young Friends are copying the artwork in the "Peaceable Kingdom" room onto a quilt to preserve the memories. The Peaceable Kingdom was painted by young Friend who are now adults with their own families.

Adult religious education continues with Bible study once a month and a reading and discussion group twice a month. We are reading the 2002 Swarthmore Lecture, "Playing in the Presence: Genetics, Ethics, and Spirituality"  by Jackie Leach Scully.

We welcome new members Evelyn and Karl Zerfoss, Ruth Marquez, and Lillie May Shadle. Karl was teased that now that he is a member, he needs to buy sandals to really fit in! We also welcome the transfer of David Moats from associate to adult member.

There has been progress towards a new meetinghouse as we get by with our current inaccessible one. The New Meetinghouse Committee has been working with an architect on a preliminary design that will be presented to the meeting in late November. It appears that saving the old meeting room will be too costly. This distresses many long-time Friends, but the current plan is to salvage materials from the old building to incorporate into the new one. We trust that the Spirit will be our guide as we face new challenges.

Evanston Meeting
By Eleanor Johnson

There seemed to be more changes than usual in our officers and committee member appointments this year. How gratifying to find new people willing to carry on the work of the meeting. Our new Clerk, Ken Laughlin, is a third 

generation member of our meeting.

In order to facilitate the collection and dissemination of news and information within the meeting and the wider community we have set up a Communications Committee.  Members of this committee will be responsible for the monthly newsletter and the meeting directory and the maintenance of an email list. The committee is also developing a website for the meeting.

After much prayerful silence and vocal ministry the meeting approved Ministry and Counsel's recommendation that John Payton and Roger Hansen be married under the care of the meeting. Some members objected to this decision and others stood aside. The meeting as a whole affirmed the sanctity and sacredness of the commitment between John and Roger. The marriage took place on September 7. One hundred ninety F/friends and family attended the ceremony and signed the certificate.  A lunch reception was held on the lawn afterward.  Although Evanston Meeting was declared to be "out of unity" with Western Yearly Meeting, mainly because of our decision to oversee this marriage, no steps were taken to change Evanston's status in the Yearly Meeting.  Dialogue will continue concerning the meeting's relationship with Western Yearly Meeting.

First Day School and Second Hour Adult Discussion resumed in September.  The Junior High class is again sponsoring Change-for-Change, with contributions being used for various AFSC projects.

On September 15 we sponsored a screening in the Evanston Public Library of ''A Force More Powerful'', a video on the successful use of non-violent direct action. 

Our 3rd annual fund raiser for Right Sharing of World Resources was held in early October.  The used tool and book sale cleared more than $1,000.

Fall 2002 Among Friends  7