Table of Contents

Publication information 2

A Note from the Clerk 4

News of IYM Meetings
Clear Creek Monthly Meeting 5
Downers Grove Friends Meeting 6
Evanston Monthly Meeting 7
St. Louis Meeting 8
Urbana-Champaign Monthly Meeting 9

IYM Reports
Evaluation of IYM Facilities 10
Religious Education Correction 10
IYM 2002 Evaluation form 11

Other reports
Olney Friends School 12
Associated Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs  12
FCNL Young Adult Program 13
Winter Courses from Earlham 14

Project Lakota 14

Shared writing
Second Thoughts on First 9/11 Anniversary, Mike Murray 16
Book Review: Nobel Peace Prize recipients, Robert Wixon 18
A Story about Grace, Mariellen Gilpin 19
Peace Testimony in Homes, Meetings and Colleges, Robert Wixon 20
Preparing to Become a Conscientious Objector, Robert Wixon 20

Notice:  Watch for information coming from the IYM Peace Resources Committee.  They  are organizing draft / military counseling training to take place in Chicago and St.
Louis by March 2003.  They are also going to be surveying monthly meetings for an understanding of current peace projects undertaken, contributions to peace
work likely to be offered, and assistive resources requested.
Summer 2001 Among Friends  3