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Clear Creek Friends value the opportunity to share with IYM Friends coming to McNabb and were especially happy to see the Heartland Worship Group share the afternoon with us.

We were happy to have Elizabeth Bumgarner become a member and to have Bill Mize, who has been attending several years, ask to have his membership transferred from the Providence, RI, meeting.  Bob and Carol Bartles' son, Andrew is spending a year in Den Helder, Netherlands, as a Rotary exchange student. Jeanne Marvin' daughter, Ruth Raffensperger, attended YouthQuake weekend in Boston in October.  Grayce & Neil Mesner have been spending as much time as possible traveling to Urbana helping her daughter, Sharon Haworth and husband, Peter Lasersohn, caring for their son, Nathan, who was born May 27, three months premature, but is now home. Sharon's sister, Margie's, help has also been invaluable.

On the sad side, we mourn the loss of a long time member Audre Whitney whose funeral was held at the meetinghouse August 12 in the manner of Friends.  On Sept. 14 a memorial service was held for Brian Miller, Elizabeth Bumgarner's son who passed away in Florida

We continue with our regular activities and projects and feel fortunate to have newer active members who contribute both energy and spirit to our meeting.

Downers Grove Meeting
By Sue Styer and Tom White

We continue to turn our attention to the Middle East. In July we passed a minute supporting the Campaign of Conscience, co-sponsored by AFSC, Pax Christi, Fellowship of Reconciliation, and other peace organizations. The Campaign of Conscience seeks to provide humanitarian aid to Iraq, especially equipment for water purification. We are deeply concerned about the prospect of our government starting a war with Iraq, and many of us have worked to raise 

Fall 2002 Among Friends  6