The School of the Spirit Ministry

The School of the Spirit offers religious education and retreats for adults looking to become “more faithful listeners and responders to the work of the Inward Teacher. The ministry is grounded in prayer and offers programs rooted in the Quaker contemplative tradition of the living silence.”

The Board of School of the Spirit Ministry has taken 2020 as a sabbath year after the eleventh class of On Being a Spiritual Nurturer concluded its work. The board intends to discern what frequency and format they are being called to develop for future offerings. New voices and perspectives on contemplative depth and faithfulness are being invited into the discernment process to help identify gaps and needs. A “Spiritual Lives of Friends” online survey has been created to gather feedback; it is available on the website.

The School of the Spirit continues to offer contemplative retreats that include both guidance from experienced facilitators and extended periods of dwelling together in restorative silence. Recent retreats were held at Powell House in Old Chatham, N.Y.; and in Berryville, Va. Upcoming opportunities are detailed on the website.

More than a dozen participants are now halfway through the four residential weekends of the new one‐year course, “Participating in God’s Power” (PiGP), led by Christopher Sammond and Angela York Crane. Held in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, PiGP explores courageous faithfulness, working to identify and heal the barriers that keep people from full participation in God’s power.