Peace and Nonviolence

Quakers are one of the three historic peace churches and therefore have taken seriously the call to loving enemies and the practice of non-violence. The original statement that Quakers draw as the basis for the “testimony against war,” comes from George Fox in 1651 when he stated:

“I told [the Commonwealth Commissioners] I lived in the virtue of that life and power that took away the occasion of all wars… I told them I was come into the covenant of peace which was before wars and strife were.”

George Fox, 1651

This is the statement of the peace testimony from the Britian Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice which gives a good overview of the testimony:

“The Peace Testimony is probably the best known and best loved of the Quaker testimonies. Its roots lie in the personal experience of the love and power of Christ which marked the founders of the Quaker movement. They were dominated by a vision of the world transformed by Christ who lives in the hearts of all. Friends sought to make the vision real by putting emphasis on Christian practice rather than primarily on any particular dogma or ideological system. Theirs was a spontaneous and practical religion. They recognised the realities of evil and conflict, but it was contrary to the spirit of Christ to use war and violence as means to deal with them. The Peace Testimony has been a source of inspiration to Friends through the centuries, for it points to a way of life which embraces all human relationships. The following extracts trace the source of the Peace Testimony in the experience of the founders of the Quaker movement and illustrate its evolution over three hundred and fifty years in response to a changing world. As a Society we have been faithful throughout in maintaining a corporate witness against all war and violence. However, in our personal lives we have continually to wrestle with the difficulty of finding ways to reconcile our faith with practical ways of living it out in the world. It is not surprising, therefore, that we have not always all reached the same conclusions when dealing with the daunting complexities and moral dilemmas of society and its government. In the closing years of the twentieth century, we as Friends faced a bewildering array of social and international challenges, which have widened the relevance of the Peace Testimony from the issue of peace and war between states to the problems of tensions and conflicts in all their forms. Thus we are brought closer to the witness of early Friends, who did not draw a hard and fast distinction between the various Quaker testimonies, but saw them as a seamless expression of the universal spirit of Christ that dwells in the hearts of all.”

Read more on BYM’s Faith and Practice

A Selection of Quaker Speak Videos on Nonviolence

Further Reading

Nonviolent Direct Action as a Spiritual Path – Pendle Hill Pamphlet #424 by Richard K. Taylor

Waging Peace: Discipline and Practice – Pendle Hill Pamphlet #420 by Pamela Haines

Early Quakers and the Kingdom of God by Gerard Guiton

Why I Am a Pacifist – A Call for a More Non-Violent World (Quaker Quick) by Tim Gee

The Anti-War by Douglas Gwyn

Twelve Quakers and Pacifism

Coming Home by Zachary Moon