Friends Fiduciary Corporation is a “Quaker non-profit organization providing cost effective, professional socially responsible investment management services exclusively to Friends meetings, churches, schools and organizations.”
The planned giving program at Friends Fiduciary Corporation (FFC) supports the development efforts of Quaker organizations and individuals who wish to support them. In 2019, donors established over $600,000 in charitable gift annuities to benefit Quaker organizations; made $400,000 in gifts to donor‐advised funds; and contributed $100,000 to endowment funds. Friends Fiduciary processed 100 stock gifts benefiting Friends organizations and faith communities.
In 2019, Quaker organizations received $1.1 million in stock gifts facilitated by FFC. The ability of FFC to transfer stock directly to a Quaker organization or into an account at FFC greatly lowers the expense and administration typically associated with those gifts. Remainder gifts from charitable gift annuities issued by FFC totaling $216,812 were paid to 11 Quaker organizations, including yearly and monthly meetings, Friends schools, life care communities, and other Quaker organizations. Pooled life income funds and endowment funds held by FFC distributed an additional $420,000 to Quaker nonprofit beneficiaries.