Youth Service Opportunities Project

Since 1983, Youth Service Opportunities Project (YSOP) has engaged students from middle school, high school, and college‐aged groups, as well as an occasional adult group, in service to homeless and hungry people through a program that includes orientation, reflection, and direct service to people in need. The setting varies but includes soup kitchens, food pantries, urban gardens, tutoring new readers in public elementary schools, and offering recreational activities in shelters with children.

In January, YSOP celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Washington, D.C., by hosting a service luncheon for local people in need with the families of the Dartmouth College Club of Washington, D.C.

In February, young Friends from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting participated in an overnight program in New York City, and hosted a service dinner party with guests from the Friends Shelter, which is jointly supported by Fifteenth Street Meeting and Friends Seminary School.

YSOP groups, staff, and service recipients represent all religious backgrounds, including those who don’t adhere to any faith tradition. People of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and abilities are welcome.