[World Quaker Web Site]

Some writings of Davide Melodia

Davide died on 8th March 2006. His web site is still at http://web.tiscali.it/davidemelodia/ where he put many of his writings, along with many other things about himself. Davide was an extraordinary person, a rare character and I am very glad to have been able to count him as a friend (and Friend).

The ones below are mainly those I did for him before he showed his impressive talent for new technology...

Il Signore del Silenzio / The Lord of Silence

Il Signore del Silenzio by Davide Melodia
The Lord of Silence Translation edited by Simon Grant. This is based on the Peck translation, and is intended to be open to improvement.
Please send me any suggestions for improvement, however small.
Lord of Silence Translation by George T. Peck
The versions may also be seen in parallel, all three, Italian and English, Italian and Peck version, both English versions.

Writings on George Fox

Other Quaker writings

Other writings

Maintained by Simon Grant.
Updated 2006-03-16