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Illinois Yearly Meeting - Summer Gathering

July 30 - August 3, 2003

2003 Theme
Answering that of God in Everyone:
Quakers Responding to Conflict

The theme for this year is how Quakers respond to conflict answering that of God in everyone. Each of our speakers will address this theme in his or her talk or presentation.

Chuck Fager will give the Wednesday evening address. Chuck has been the Director of Quaker House in Fayetteville, North Carolina since early 2002. He is also an author, a Quaker historian, a conscientious objector since 1965, and a "convinced Friend" since early 1966. He will speak to our theme as well as talk about his research into the importance of IYM to the founding of FGC, and the modern liberal stream of Quakerism.

Marshall Massey will speak on Thursday evening. Marshall has been an attender and member of Mountain View Meeting in Denver, Colorado for twenty years. He worships with Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative) as way opens. He helped found the Friends Committee on Unity with Nature (FCUN) in 1987. The title of Marshall's talk will be "Witnessing to Minds at War".

Saturday evening's speaker will be Elizabeth Duke, General Secretary of FWCC in London, England. Elizabeth will weave what she has learned from Friends in different places and cultures into this year's theme.

The Sunday morning Plummer Lecture this year will be given by Chris Jocius of Downers Grove Friends Meeting.

More extensive information on all of these speakers will be available at the Yearly Meeting session.


Unless noted, workshops are in the afternoon from 2:30-3:45.
Locations to be announced at IYM.
Executive Director, Center on Conscience & War, Washington, DC
In this Thursday morning workshop, J.E. will lead high school and middle school Friends through activities about conscientious objection, military service, and what we believe about war. Click here for the flyer as a PDF file.
In this Thursday afternoon workshop, J.E. will discuss war taxes and war tax resistance options.

Program Assistant, Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) (Kenyan Friend and member of Nairobi Meeting, studying for Master's degrees in International Affairs and Public Administration at Ohio University.)
Peter follows a variety of issues including small and light weapons reduction, the role of the UN in the Iraq crisis, and conflict in the Middle East. Peter will lead discussions on some or all of those topics as is of interest to Friends.

General Secretary of the American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia
Mary Ellen will lead an information sharing session on Friday or Saturday afternoon opening with a few minutes discussing AFSC and its current activities and then inviting Friends' questions and discussions about AFSC and its programs. Mary Ellen has served over the past fifteen years in several roles in the Friends General Conference, including assistant presiding clerk.

Project Coordinator, Emergency & Material Assistance Program, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Richmond, Indiana
Bonnie will either hold workshops on AFSC's program for restoring the educational system in Afghanistan through school building and restoration and/or an overview of the changes in the Emergency & Material Assistance Program along with a slide tour of the Richmond Collection Center. The workshop will include ways to support the EMAP Program for Friends who are not close enough to the center to volunteer or contribute.

Evanston Friends Meeting
Marjorie will discuss efforts for establishing a Department of Peace.

Downers Grove Friends Meeting
Topic to be determined.

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