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Thursday afternoon, July 31st

Working for Peace / Paying for War

J.E. McNeil, Executive Director
Center on Conscience & War
Washington, DC

  • What is "war tax" and how does it function?
  • What is a war tax resistor?
  • Why do individuals engage in this sort of resistance?
  • Can an individual of conscience influence certain government priorities by redirecting certain taxes?
  • What should I ask myself before taking this step?
  • What are the risks?
  • What is the likely government response to tax resistance?
  • What does one do with the "resisted" funds?
  • If I can't be a war tax resistor, what else can I do?
Want discussion prior to the workshop? Visit this link to participate in an online list serv.
J. E. McNeil has been a practicing attorney for twenty years and has represented war tax resistors, demonstrators, and GIs who are COs.

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