Friends General Conference

Friends General Conference is an “organization, consisting of yearly meetings and a few monthly meetings, regards itself as an association of Friends who share similar concerns vital to their individual and corporate spiritual lives. . .[it] has no authority over the affiliated . . .meetings. (1) It is primarily comprised of unprogrammed meetings who share a less Biblical, more Universalist theology. (1) However, it is important to note than many in these meetings consider themselves Christians.” [Glossary Page]

In October, the Executive Committee approved Pacific Yearly Meeting’s request to affiliate with Friends General Conference (FGC). This new affiliation will allow for a deeper relationship with Friends in the western United States and parts of Mexico; the groups hope to co‐create possibilities that will enrich Friends across the continent.

The Spiritual Deepening eRetreat Program, which brings together newcomers, seekers, and seasoned Friends into a four‐week, self‐paced opportunity to deepen spiritual practices and build community online, has released its full eRetreat schedule for 2020. Three courses have occurred, and four more are planned for this year.

This year, FGC is conducting a feasibility study to learn whether there is wide‐spread support to create an endowment for the FGC Gathering, thus making the annual event more affordable for Friends to attend. This study also aims to determine if there are expansion possibilities for high priority programs such as anti‐racism work and youth programming.