Swarthmore Friends Meeting

Swarthmore, Pennsylvania







Earthquake survivor, Julian Brelsford, speaks on Haiti's needs and Quaker activism

Haiti aide worker, Julian Brelsford, will speak Friday, April 9, 2010, of his experience as a survivor of January's Earthquake and on the grounding of his activism in Quaker spirituality. Julian addresses the prospect of long-lasting change in Haiti, bringing to the fore what it means in this context to live the Quaker testimonies of peace and equality.

Come one, come all to this unique opportunity to supplement our own humble, compassionate musings with Julian's privileged insights.

Friday, April 9, 2010

7:30 pm

Whittier Room, Swarthmore Friends Meetinghouse

12 Whittier Place, Swarthmore College campus

Directions to Swarthmore Meetinghouse

Sponsored by Swarthmore Friends Meeting's Peace and Social Concerns Committee and the Swarthmore College student group Coalition for a Free Haiti