To join the FQA for one year, please print off and complete this form and send it with a tax-deductible contribution (we ask for US $28, but any amount will do) to:

Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA)
1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102




Phone(s), Fax_________________________________________________________________


Quaker affiliations: Monthly Meeting___________________________________________

Yearly Meeting______________________Other_____________________________

Membership: Individual______ Group ($50 or more)______ Amount enclosed____________

____Please include me/us in the next edition of the FQA Directory
____Please link to my/our web page on the FQA web page,


How did you hear about us? Brochure, Friends Journal, T&S, Website, Lemonade Gallery, Other__________________________

Art media (specify subgenres if desired):


Visual _______________________________________________

Literary ______________________________________________

Music ________________________________________________

Performing Arts ________________________________________

Other media and interests___________________________________

Please write a brief (max 50 words) description of your work for the directory:   





"Letting our lives speak through the arts"

Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA)
1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Contact us

    About FQA   |     Types & Shadows   |    Join FQA

This page last updated on Monday, September 15, 2014