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Friends Committee on
Washington Public Policy

A Quaker Organization

 Friends Committee On Washington State Public Policy
Action Alert
February 24, 2006

 We need quick action.  the Senate Budget has included our task force
concept to examine issues of depleted uranium and hazardous substance
exposure for the National Guard. The House Budget does not
contain corresponding language.

The next step in the process is a Joint Committee of the House and
Senate to reconcile the two bills. Our last and only chance is to get
the senate language included into the Joint Bill. 

The joint committee will meet on Saturday , Feb. 25.  Our
task is to push members of the joint committee, to include in the
joint bill, the language currently in the senate bill.
So, call or e-mail the conference committee legislators listed below
and urge them to retain, in the joint bill, the language from the
Senate Appropriations Bill-6386 regarding the National Guard exposure
to DU listed under Military Department, (7) (a), p. 51.  And, ask
your friends to also contact the same members.  (Crossing district
lines is fine at this point in the process).
Rep. Bill Fromhold, 49th Dist., D, Vancouver, is a vet.
<[email protected]>,  360-786-7924.
Rep. Lynn Kessler, 24th Dist., D, Jefferson/ Callam Counties, majority
leader, [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>, 360-786-7904.
Rep. Helen Sommers, 36th, Dist., D, Seattle, [email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]>, 360-786-7814.
Sen. Margarita Prentice, 11th Dist., D, Renton, is a registered nurse.
[email protected],  360-786-7616.
Sen. Karen Fraser, 22 Dist., D, Lacy/Olympia, [email protected],
Sen. Mark Doumit, 19th Dist., D, Pacific/Grays Harbor/Cowlitz
counties, [email protected],  360-786-7636.
Contact any and all of them. 

Also call the Governor and Mike Gregoire at 360-902-4111 and ask them
to support the measure by calling Rep. Helen Sommers to accept the
Senate budget language on depleted uranium. (Page 51 of ESSB 6386)
Thank you for your help.

Roger Kluck, Lobbyist
Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy

How to Contact Your Legislators:

Call the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 during session, weekdays 8 AM
to 8 PM, Saturdays 9 AM to 1 PM

On the web at: http://www1.leg.wa.gov/legislature/ follow the link to the
Senate or House, and click on your legislators' names to get their contact
information or to e-mail them directly.

Use http://apps.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder/ to find out who your legislators

Go to http://www1.leg.wa.gov/legislature/  for extensive online information
on legislators, legislation, our State Constitution and existing state law,
among many other things.

What have you learned about that fits Friends' Legislative priorities? Read
our Policy Statement http://www.quaker.org/fcwpp/Policy%20Statement.html
and you will see that many concerns could be priorities - they just need
champions! Please call or e-mail me for information, help, or to go over
legislative issues that concern you. I appreciate hearing from Friends.

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