
Questions To Live By

Quakers do not expect people to conform to a set of dogmas and beliefs. Rather we ask ourselves, and others,  questions that challenge us to explore our beliefs, and actions, in the light of Truth. Here are some questions (or queries) pertaining to Quaker service from the Faith and Practice of Pacific Yearly Meeting. Before attempting to answer any of these queries, pause and take time to reflect deeply. Seek the wisdom of God which is within you. Then let yourself be guided by the Light.

  • Do we regard our time, talents, energy, money, material possessions and other resources as gifts from God, to be held in stewardship and shared according to the Light we are given? How do we express this conviction?

  • Do we search diligently for ways of assuring the right of every individual to be loved, cared for, and properly educated; to obtain useful employment; and to live in dignity?

  • Do we share our deepest beliefs with our children and one another and bring such influences among us which tend to develop our religious life?

  • What are we doing to remove the causes of war and to bring about the conditions of peace? Where there is hatred, division and strife, how are we instruments of reconciliation and love?

  • Do we attempt to provide our children with enriching and positive interracial experiences?

Please share with us your response to these questions and to this website, please let us know.






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