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Winter Onions
By Mariellen Gilpin

Bright spring day
Seated by the garden
Cleaning winter onions
First thing to grow.
Planted in fall
In rich loam
Green shoots in February
Tall spears in April.
I dug the onions
Shoved the spading fork deep
Half-lifted, half-pulled
Roots clinging to the soil
Now, knife in hand,
I clean each one,
A quick slice taking off the roots
Then I peel the tough skin
Layer upon layer
Till bulb and long neck
Shine white.
Last I lop off the leaves
So a green whorl tops each.

Buried in heart-loam
In the winter of my life
Uprooted now
Feeder roots cut away
Tough parts peeled away
Layer upon layer
Til only the memory
Without the hurt
Full of juice and flavor
Of life lived
Only the good part