Writings by Vanessa

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· “Racial Inequality: Painful Present among Friends.” Friends Journal. Vol. 49, No. 10. (October 2003), pp. 14-15, 52

· Margaret Hope Bacon, foreword by Vanessa Julye. “Sarah Mapps Douglass, Faithful Attender of Quaker Meeting: View from the Back Bench.“ (2003), Philadelphia, PA: Quaker Press of Friends General Conference,
pp. v-ix

· “Racial Wounding at the Gathering.” Friends Journal. Vol. 48, No. 11. (November 2002), pp. 18-20

· “Moving Toward Wholeness: Addressing Race Among Friends.” Grounded in God: Care and Nurture in Friends Meeting. (2002), Philadelphia, PA: Quaker Press of Friends General Conference, pp. 116-121

· "It Is Time for Friends to Learn and Understand Our Complete History." FGC Connections. (Spring 2002), pp. 1

· Donna McDaniel and Vanessa Julye. “Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship.” FGC Connections. (Spring 2002), pp. 4

· “Faithful to God's Leading.” Quaker Life. (May 2002), pp. 10-11

· Patricia McBee and Vanessa Julye. “Moving Toward Wholeness: Addressing Race Among Friends.” Pastoral Care Newsletter, Vol. 9, No. 2. (January 2002), pp. 1-4, Reprinted Friends Journal.  Vol. 48, No. 11. (October 2003), pp. 11-13 & 52

· “Visiting with Friends in South Africa.” Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting Newsletter. (January 2002),
pp. 1-2

· “Friends Find Hope at World Conference Against Racism.” Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Newsletter. Vol. 34, No. 5. (November/December 2001), pp. 6

· “Why Do We Need a Worship Group for People of Color?” Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting Newsletter. (September 2000), pp. 3-4

· “FGC Could Be a Better Mirror of the World.” Friends Journal. Vol. 46, No. 5. (May 2000), pp. 30-33

· “Affirming, welcoming.” Friends: a People Called to Listen, Gathered to Seek & Sent Forth to Serve; A study booklet in preparation for the 20th FWCC Triennial. (November 1999), pp. 14-15, Reprinted in The Carillon. Vol. 1, No. 4. (May 2003), pp. 4-5

· “Racism Hurts Everyone.” FGC Connections. (Winter 1999), pp. 1

· “A Gift from My Parents.” Westtown in Word and Deed. (1998), pp. 95-97

· "Diversity, Do We Really Want it?” Canadian Friends. Vol. 93, No. 6. (November/December 1997), pp. 9-14, Reprinted Quaker Life. (March 1999), pp. 9-10

· “The Underground Railroad Game.” Friends Journal. Vol. 42, No. 10. (October 1996), pp. 10-11

· “Seeker Finds Welcome.” FGC Connections. (Autumn 1996), pp. 1& 3

· “Sharing My Light with Other People of Color.” Friends Journal. Vol. 41, No. 10. (October 1995), pp. 13-15