2003 Photos

Vanessa talks about her website to students at William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia, PA. January 14, 2003.

Vanessa shares her journey within the Religious Society of Friends with a 10th grade Quakerism class at
William Penn Charter School.
Vanessa talks to 7th grade Quakerism class at William Penn Charter School about Friends of African Descent.
7th grade students review photo albums featuring Friends of African Descent that Vanessa brought to the class.
Participants in Friends General Conference's Training Session with Niyonu Spann at the Gilmary Conference Center.
Friends who participated in Friends General Conference's Beyond Diversity 101 Training Session at the Gilmary Conference Center in Pittsburgh, PA.
January 16 - 20, 2003.
Participants in New England Yearly Meeting's Salem Quarter's Quaker Studies Program at Cambridge Friends School in Cambridge, MA.
January 25, 2003.

Participants in "Building on Common Ground: A weekend for people of Color" led by Andrew Brazington, and Ed Nakawatase at Pendle Hill.
January 31, 2003 - February 2, 2003.

FFAD Gathering 2003
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