Quaker Periodicals

BeFriending Creation

Newsletter of Quaker Earthcare Witness. ISSN 1050-0332. Published bi-monthly.

We publish BFC to promote QEW goals, stimulate discussion and action, share insights, practical ideas, and news of our actions, and encourage among Friends a sense of community and spiritual connection with all Creation. Opinions expressed are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect those of QEW, or of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). The editor is responsible for unsigned items.

Submission deadlines are February 7, April 7, June 7, August 7, October 7, and December 7.

Contents of BeFriending Creation copyright �2005 QEW, except as noted. Permission to reprint BeFriending Creation material must be requested in advance from the editor.

"Membership" in QEW is open to all who demonstrate commitment to support QEW's goals and who support QEW's work at the Monthly or Yearly Meeting levels, or through other Friends organizations. FCUN is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation; contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

QEW Vision and Witness

WE ARE CALLED to live in right relationship with all Creation, recognizing that the entire world is interconnected and is a manifestation of God. WE WORK to integrated into the beliefs and practices of the Religious Society of Friends the Truth that God's creation is to be respected, protected, and held in reverence in its own right and the Truth that human aspirations for peace and justice depend upon restoring the earth's ecological integrity. WE PROMOTE these Truths by being patterns and examples, by communicating our message, and by providing spiritual and material support to those engaged in the compelling task of transforming our relationship with the earth.

QEW Clerk: Barbara Williamson, 2710 E. Leigh St., Richmond, VA 23223. Phone: 804/643-0461; e-mail: [email protected].

Address subscription and membership correspondence to: QEW General Secretary Ruah Swennerfelt, 173-B N. Prospect St., Burlington, VT 05401-1607. Phone: 802/658-0308; e-mail: [email protected]

Address editorial correspondence to: BFC Editor: Louis Cox, 173-B N. Prospect St., Burlington, VT 05401-1607. Phone: 802/658-0308; e-mail: [email protected].

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