Liz Yeats

904 East Meadowmere Lane

Austin, TX 78758, USA

phone: 512-719-4283

email: [email protected].



January 25, 2001


Dear Friends,


The 2001 Annual Meeting of Quakers Uniting in Publications will be held at Pendle Hill Conference Center on March 22 to 25, 2001. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to attend. It promises to be an excellent meeting with several educational sessions on periodicals, publishing and bookselling relevant to all of our work.


Enclosed is a registration form, which should be returned to Rausie Hobson by the 28th of February. Please complete the registration form with as much detail as possible. The cost will be $267 (£183) for three nights and eight meals (call Liz for information about part time rates). There will also be a $25.00 conference fee for non-members to cover QUIP expenses. A deposit is not required, and full payment can be made at the conference. (N.B. If you bring payment with you, checks should be made payable to QUIP and not to Pendle Hill. QUIP can negotiate checks in £ or $.) If there are any queries please contact Liz.


Arrival and registration will begin at 4pm on Thursday with tea for those who can make it. Our first session will begin at 7pm at Pendle Hill. We will be having our sessions at Brinton House, a lovely facility across the road from the main Pendle Hill campus. Please note that if anyone is arriving by public transportation and needs a ride, this should be stated on the registration form. The train station is in walking distance for the hearty but let us know on the form if you will need a lift. Please contact Steve Jackson (1-800-742-3150 or [email protected]) at Pendle Hill about van service from the airport.


Please note the enclosed agenda asks Friends to remain for remaining business on Sunday, March 25. We will worship together and finish with lunch on Sunday.


Enclosed here also find the forms for 2001 QUIP membership. We seek to have all membership dues (subscriptions) paid by the time of the annual meeting. Please send memberships to Betsy Muench. If you have questions about membership please do not hesitate to ask the clerks.


We look forward to greeting you at Pendle Hill,




Liz Yeats and Graham Garner, Co-Clerks