Quaker Peace Roundtable

Quaker Peace Roundtable: Presenters’ Biographies -- 4


MARK RICHARD WALSH (Workshop: Further Thoughts on Peacekeeping; Panel: Peacekeeping): Associate Professor, Political-Military Sciences, United States Army Peacekeeping Institute, United States Army War College, Carlisle, PA.
        Professor Mark R. Walsh, Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired, was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. He has a bachelor's degree from the United States Military Academy and master's degrees from the University of Illinois and Boston University. He is a graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Armed Forces Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College.
        During his military career, Professor Walsh served in the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Vietnam, Belgium, and Germany in addition to assignments in the United States. He also served with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Israel and Lebanon. He arrived at the Army War College in June 1988, became a tenured member of the faculty, and held the George C. Marshall Chair of Military Studies until his retirement from the U.S. Army in April 1993.
        Upon retirement, he rejoined the United Nations as the Zone Director for United Nations Operations in Somalia (UNOSOM) in Kismayo, Somalia from April to October 1993. Presently, he concentrates on humanitarian affairs at the U.S. Army Peacekeeping Institute. In October 1994 he was recalled by the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs to assist its operations in Haiti. In March 1995, he served in the first United Nations sponsored pre-mission training for the United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH). In August 1995, he was part of the United Nations Training Assistance Team (UNTAT) that trained the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM III) staff.
        In January 1996, he served with the Implementation Force (IFOR) in Bosnia providing strategic planning advice to the Office of the High Representative. He returned to Bosnia in August 1996 and September 1998 to assist the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) with its election missions. In late 1999 he completed a study for the Army Staff of the U.S. Army's experience in responding to Hurricane Mitch. From October 1999 to February 2000 he served as a senior humanitarian coordinator for the United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor (UNTAET).

RACHEL ZUSES (Workshop: Young Friends, Conscience & Draft Registration): Rachel Zuses grew up in Sandy Spring (MD) Monthly Meeting and now works at the Center on Conscience & War (NISBCO) in Washington, DC. Rachel Zuses, holds a degree in Religion & Peace Studies from Swarthmore College, making her uniquely qualified for her job at the Center on Conscience & War. She now does Outreach and Education for the Center, and is the administrator of FEAT, a student loan program for non-registrants.

DAVID ZAREMBKA (Workshop: Great Lakes Africa Peace Project):  David Zarembka is the coordinator of the Friends Peace Teams’ African Great Lakes Initiative (AGLI) and was a member of the 1999 AGLI Delegation to Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya. He lived for over five years in Kenya and Tanzania and knows Swahili. He is a member of Bethesda Meeting, but is sojourning at St. Louis Meeting in order to take care of his elderly mother. His wife, Gladys Kamonya, is a member of Nairobi Monthly Meeting.



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