
Business Meeting Minutes
Young Friends, PYM 2000

Young Friends of Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

At 9:25 p.m. we began with an introductions game.

The clerk encouraged YF to volunteer and thereby contribute to PYM.

**YF APPROVED the following people to be on nominating committee:
Brooke Stanley, Michael Eastwood, Caleb Mulligan

**YF APPROVED Sarah House & Anne Kratzer to be co-recorders.

The clerk encouraged Young Friends to season the description of themselves in the newest draft of PYM's Faith and Practice. Some Friends would meet before the next business meeting to discuss the section in more depth and would help us decide how we wanted to describe ourselves.

The clerk also encouraged YF to season the idea of creating new standing committees (which ones?) for YF that would function throughout the year.

YF APPROVED the minutes of this business meeting.

The meeting closed with an extended period of silence.


**We opened the meeting with silence at 9:10 a.m. on Tuesday, August 1st, 2000.


**The Clerk began the meeting by presenting us with the query: Who/What are Young Friends?

One YF spoke that YFs are people who haven't fully decided upon a religion or their involvement with God.

Another spoke about wanting and expecting a group which offered support, inspiration and insite.

Brooke Stanley added the feeling of spiritual energy and being together as important aspects of the YFs.

Josh Vura-Weis echoed love and support and emphasized community.

A Friend spoke about YFs being a transition period. Another, about being an affinity group.

Josh Vura-Weis spoke about not neding to decide anything at this meeting and Brooke suggested letting the epistle committee work out the wording of a proposed statement for Faith and Practice.

The clerk stated that the urgency is not only for the Faith and Practice but for ourselves for this work and beyond.


The clerk introduced Jeanette Norton as a guest speaker. She spoke briefly about the query regarding YF and Faith and Practice, and spoke of a few FWCC members visiting PYM. She also spoke about her experience at FGC and the availability of scholarships. She also informed us that the YF World Gathering is in the planning process (FWCC?).


The clerk asked Friends to consider having rotating clerks with two year terms each. Concern was expressed that timing may not work for some YF's. No action was taken on this suggestion.

The clerk asked the meeting to season the Queries posed from the last business meeting.

The meeting closed in silence.


We opened the meeting with silence at 9:40 a.m. on Wednesday, August 2nd, 2000.


**Gail Eastwood from the Religious Education for Children Subcommittee (?) was a guest. She came to ask YF many questions. One of which was: What is our relationship to Meeting for Worship. She asked us to fill out the survey that was sent to us in the mail, expressing that our responses would be quite helpful and appreciated.

A Friend expressed that perhaps friends could (and do) receive education here at PYM that we are not receiving at our monthly meetings.

Another Friend said that most of her learning has been experiential or observational rather than being actively taught through lecture.

Another Friend said that the religious education of us was lacking mostly because of our apathy.

Another Friend said that they practiced their spirituality outside of their monthly meeting and that they recieved education at PYM, or through family tradition.

Another Friend who recently came into Quakerism at La Jolla MM felt that that she was not given any religious education as a newcomer.

Another Friend said that at her meeting (La Jolla) the youth began to educate themselves, and practicing "experimental" Quakerism which led to some conflict of interest with the wider meeting.

Another Friend felt that most of his spirituality came from the Buddhist influence in his family upbringing. He suggested that the elders take the youth into the woods, sit around a fire and just discuss.

Another Friend expressed that the heart of Quakerism takes a lot of time to understand but that we are not the only religion that struggles with this. He reiterated that we can't force Religious Education on the youth. He also spoke of the strong influence that Quaker Camps have had on youth, and how important it is to them. It seems as though it's been the times when Quakers have been able to spend together that's important. He supported another Friends idea of strongly instituting Quaker Camps in the future and that living the testimonies is important.

Another Friend expressed that we cannot force Quakerism on youth and that they must be led to learn about it, and that they must be ready to absorb the lessons that they learn in time. She also emphasized the importance of experience.

A Friend from NPYM expressed that many Friends within five years of her age have quit coming to her Yearly Meeting. The kids in her meeting felt looked down upon by the greater meeting.

At this point, some Friends were led to leave the Young Friends Business Meeting to attend the wider body of PYM's Plenary session. Silence was requested and the meeting was reminded that we were in worship.

A Friend felt PYM is a place where adults listen to children and were kids can participate. It was suggested that younger Friends be taught by the older friends withing their age group.

A Friend spoke of the importance of openness and flexibility on the behalf of the adults towards kids. She also spoke about her frustration of knowing Quaker practice and still being treated unequally. This view was echoed by another Friend.

Another Friend spoke of the importance of the environment, stating his reluctance to worship in a closed space while also stating his excitement of going to PYM to be in the physical as well as mental environment.

Mixed feelings of being bought up Quaker was expressed by a Friend - both blessing as well as a draw back. She liked the living quality of Quakerism rather than the learned history of it all. Questions whether the opportunity for religious education had been available would have been better than what she experienced.

A Friend spoke about the need to expose people to religious education while at PYM - but we need to find a balance between education and fun.

A Friend spoke about his experience with religious education. His meeting has successfully raised Quaker kids. He feels that his meeting has put in much energy into the first day school program. He also spoke about the importance of a Quaker peer group.

A Friend spoke for the need of Quaker ministry through stories from the lives of the older members to the youth.

A Friend added that kids in meeting take Quakerism more seriously because that meeting takes the kids more seriously.

**A Friend brought queries addressing the issue of religious education toward children:

Do we listen to our children in mnatters of spirit and conscience?
Do we trust that they can hear and understand the spirit as clearly as we can?
Do our business meetings demonstrate the spirit-led process which we want our children to learn?
Do we educate our children by example in the living spirit of Quakerism?

Another Friend added:

Do we actively include our children in Quaker process?
THose were APPROVED.


It was asked that 4 Young Friends help with the Memorial Plenary.
Lisa Vura-Weis and Martin Otero agreed to help with microphones.
Brooke Stanley agreed to being a "husher."


After a break, YF heard from our Nominating Committee who presented the nominations for our Epistle committee which were:

Paul(?), Alyssa (?), and Eric Amen. Lisa Vura-Weis and Alexis Keeler were also nominated as those who would assist with the Epistle if help was needed.

The Epistle slate was APPROVED at 11:12 a.m.

Nominating committee asked for volunteers and nominations for clerk, 2001 and Ministry and Oversight.


A concern was brought that there should be a testimony of Unity with Nature. The testimony on Unity was read and that it was decided that that testimony could be expanded, or one developed on its own for F&P. Alyssa Nelson is a contact person with UwN.

There is a possibility of talking Thursday with Faith and Practice representatives.

The meeting closed with silence.


The meeting openned at 9:10am with some silence.

Our visitores were introduced: Marie Schutz (Faith & Practice), Aimee Elsbree, Rick Troth (F&P), Eric Sabelman (Unity With Nature), ? , Laura Magnani (F&P), ? ,

Eric Sabelman gave some background on the fairly new committee, started in the 80's. He told us that part of what the committee does is to bring closer together concepts that are sometimes set apart from eachother. He spoke of pamphlets that were published by Marshal assey and the current Earthlight Magazine. He offered Kate Carpenter, Sharon Gates, Shelley Tallenbaum as other members.

He announced the presence of an email list. He mentioned the establishment of communication w/Hawaii. He gave us two handouts on Unity With Nature which will be attached to these minutes.

He spoke to various kinds of involvement of youth. Earthlight Magazine has a position available for an intern. There are other internships in this field that are available and the UwN could find and sponsor for young people.

Eric said that the national FCUN started with Marshal Massey speaking at FGC the year after he spoke here at PYM and inspired our UwN committee to get started.

A Friend asked to clarify what the meaning of nature is. Eric responded that yes, it is everything.

A Friend from F&P explained that there wasn't unty as to what should have been included. Friends feel that it was not a wide enough concern to be included as a testimony of the entire YM. She felt that we are in a period of evangelism withing our YM on this subject. She felt strongly that it should move from the appendix to our emerging concern. Friend Paul Ruhlen, Clerk from FCNL's Policy Committee expressed that when not reaching unity on a subject, it is labeled as "challenges."

Marie Schutz said that where we seem to be going.

A Friend mentioned that YF & JYM seem to have more unity on Unity w. Nature and were wondering if our concerns are noticed and considered.

Laura Magnani said that our concern has a large part in what will happen.

She reminded us that the part about same-sex marriage was an emerging concern in the last edition.

Aimee Elsbree asked if UwN would travel and minister concern about UwN.

Eric said that traveling to minister seems to be a new concept but that campouts have been a time of coming together and outreach but that Earthlight Magazine has been a major focus point.

Rick Troth said that its not neccessarily the responsibility of UwN to travel and minister but that it should be Friends that are led.

A Friend expressed that perhaps now would be a time that we could discuss the section on Young Friends and JYM and that we might want to express where our concerns are focused.

The Clerk encouraged YF to speak if they were so led.

Carl Magruder reminded us that John Woolman and those that started other Quaker organizations were young people. He expressed his being inspired by the story presence of Young Friends. He also expressed that there are alliances in some of these environmental issues are relevant and apparant in society. He said that a much more radical viewpoint about UwN is neccessary and would be expressed by Friend John Woolman. He said that perhaps we should develop a section on Unity with Nature on our own and perhaps "march up the hill."

Friend Paul Ruhlen reminded us that we still had the passage describing Young Friends to adress.

Another Friend asked that YF volunteer to write a section on YF belief on UwN.

A Friend reminded us that articulating our faith is different from influencing others. There was a suggestion that perhaps we write queries for next ears worship sharing, or other means of articulating our faith. How do I invite other people to honor that faithfulness?

A Friend reminded us of the minute on same-sex marraige that JYM wrote a few years ago at the campout and when presented to the wider body helped to clarify some of their feelings and they passed a minute themselves. He expressed that perhaps this is what we need to be doing about UwN.

Another Friend expressed that perhaps we write something down or just share our individual stories.

Laura Magnani expressed that we reflect that a testimony is letting our lives speak to the world. She reminded us that we should live it and that's tough!

Another Friend, Zac Moon reminded us that though we as YF are in unity about same-sex marriages, the wider PYM is not, and that we should take up those internships and get to a place of consciousness. He expressed that "numbers turned into faces" with the peace and social justice issues. He expressed that where we will be leaders is where we will walk even before we talk.

A Friend spoke that he was with an organization that works with poorer countries. It gave him a different perspective. He asked that we look at the larger picture and asked ourselves - where can we have a significant impact?

Clerk suggested that we continue the UwN discussion on our own and transition to the dicussion of our own section in F&P.

Eric Sabelman announced the discussion on UwN on the west deck of the dining hall.

Brooke Stanley helped to make clear that we not focus on what was written hastily last year and that it not be a negative discussion.

Carl Magruder reread the section on YF in the F&P.

A Friend reminded us that we write and reflect on what is true about YF now and a longer perspective.

Brooke Stanley expressed that we are a self defined group and that there were no boundaries. And that they were the desire to leave JYM and who wanted to have worship and fellowship with others of the same age (sometmes) but also of similar spirituality and interest. She reminded us not to be restrictive.

Clerk asked YF remember that with age, there were legalities. And to ask ourselves what we might be doing to JYM if we take their senior members.

Melina asked for clarity as to what the discussion was all about.

Clerk reminded us that the query of "Who are Young Friends?", was needed to know who we are and where we're going and that we're important.

A Friend expressed a concern about process.

A Friend expressed concern about age and that the legal aspect should not be important. She felt feelings of guilt if she didn't stay in JYM last year. She felt that no limit should be placed on it, rather than comfort level.

Another Friend felt that just having the idea of an age limit presented a problem.

Another Friend realized that as Young Friends, we are searching and that we don't neccessarily need or know how to define ourselves. The searching is central. We have worship sharing queries that challenge us. She felt that YF is challenging ourselves to figure out who we are as individuals and as a community.

A Friend reminded us to be cautious of where we go with our discussion.

A Friend served as coordinator of AYF at FGC. He had a similar situation and question with age, and other boundaries. The center was made up of people in the college age group, but that the boundaries were more fuzzy. Her felt that we should be as inclusive as possible. Her comment was echoed.

Another Friend said that perhaps we should talk about spirit.

Another Friend felt that we distinguish between defining and describing.

Another Friend expressed that we do not have age limits or any number limits.

Another Friend spoke of her sisters documentary where a person spoke of his religion that seemed to put his spirit in a box for any quality or characteristic.

Another Friend expressed that YF are serving our YM in a special way.

Another Friend expressed that she was here for the peer group regardless of age. She expressed that we are in addtion to PYM and that more of us are average.

Another Friend felt that perhaps the best way to be cautious was to be radical. She expresed that we try to express underpinings and mechanics. She advised us to ground ourselves in knowing what our spiritual care is. She felt that the YM is large and that our group has a benefit because we are a smaller size. She mouns the lack of faithfulness in the wider body.

Another Friend recommended that we come back to our next business meeting with a statement that could be developed in a small community.

Rick Troth expressed that F&P meets in October so urgency may not be there.

Friend Paul Ruhlen reminded us that this is the primary and central time when PYM's YF will be together.

Friend Ethan Coonen reminded us that we are not alone in our struggle to define ourselves. She expressed that he feels that YF are a well established spiritual community to nurture eachother.

Another Friend expressed that she does not feel that her spiritualit is established and thats the beauty in YF is to come here and be safe.

Another Friend expressed that is an experiential faith. We are unique in that we are a smaller group that has chosen to come together to figure out who we are and where the spirit is among us. It was also encouraged that we not regard the wider body as those "who have it all figured out" and have a perfect connection with God. And we find comfort and wholeness being together.

Clerk asked for an ad hoc community to explore the spirituality of YF and encouraged Friends who have not expressed themselves to join that community.

Out of silence, there were nominations and volunteers for this community.

A Friend expressed his community of neccessity to discuss and hear concerns from JYM and Alan Edgar. The appeal of Young Friends in threatening to some and that we should find a common understanding and help JYM to be a stronger body.

Another Friend expressed that that concern is an individual one and that we not make decisions for anybody else while defining ourselves.

The following slate for the ad-hoc committee for describing YF in F&P was presented as follows:
Colin Anderson, Stephen Myers, Kate Newlin, Alyssa Nelson, Darcy Stanley, Brooke Stanley, Ethan Coonen, and Lisa Vura-Weis.

This slate was APPROVED.

The representatives from the Faith and Practice Committee expressed their wish to have open communication.

A Friend expressed that putting words down is dangerous, sacred, and important and that if we don't have words we should not try to put words down. Vague and honest can be better.


Clerk apologized for not calling on people perhaps and that we listen and process. She wanted to provide opportunity for all to speak.

A Friend told us that the Religious Education Sub Committee would like two YF representatives on them.

Clerk encouraged Friends to fill out the R.E. survey.

Friends were also strongly encouraged go to the plenary session on FWCC.

Anthony will speak with us today, or tomorrow afternoon.

The Meeting Closed with Silence.

Friday August 4, 2000

The meeting was openned with silence.

The first draft of the epistle wasl read from the silence. Changes were suggested, notes were taken, and a second draft will be made and brought to the next business meeting.

The ad hoc committee which was formed to write a short description of YF for the new Faith and Practice read a mock draft of their proposal which was followed by a more serious draft. This reading sparked a short discussion as well as suggested changes. Again, the sugestions were noted and a time for these revisions was decided upon, a second draft will be brought to the next business meeting.


A talk on Visalia was offered during the interest group time. The clerk asked for an amount of interest and commitment among YF for the talk. A YF strongly suggested that YF get informed about the Visalia Permanent Site and stated howquickly things are moving in that direction.
A showing of hands as to how many people would come to an unofficial interest group during interest group time. Ideas for JYM and larger PYM members joining us was raised. An announcement by Alan Edgar was made that JYM is planning a similar interest group on Visalia. A proposed announcement was read and approved to be read in plenary during announcements.

The Clerk spoke to the meeting about possible new YF committees that could be formed and different ways that YF could participate in the wider PYM:
- Website formation (info, registration, scholarship info, pictures, etc)
- Larger participation in greater PYM committees
- A system of having two rotating clerks for YF
- Scholarship Clerk or Committee
- Quaker Education Clerk or Committee
- Dance

A Friend spoke to the need of greater outer PYM comm. had asked YF to serce on their comm. as well.

The Clerk listed a few comm. which asked for represenation.

A Friend spoke to the point that non-officialk members may or may not be able to stand on official commitees. This concern was voiced by others ut no solution was found.

Another Friend spoke that the nom com for PYM's job was to get YF on comm. not YF's job to solicite ourselves.

A Friend spoke that he thought PYM wanted YF 's on committees.

It was suggested that the meeting moves on to other business and season our feelings on the topic for another day/year.

Sarah Rose House, as the YF rep for PEace and social order asked for YF who are intersted in being the new rep or have approval to continue w.her current postion. Approval on this position will come with Nominating Committees slate tomorrow.

Existing comm & New Comm formation.
A concern was brought that the nom comm wouldn't be able to nominate that many people to new position in that short amount of time.

Brooke spoke to the history of past YF formation as well as new needs the YF has a grwoing group.

Clerked asked for approval of the comm.

A Friend spoke to the concern that there is already a Religious Education commiteee and we need to utilize their comm. and not create our own.

The Clerk clarified that we would not replace the Rel. Ed. Comm. but be involved in it.

It was decided that the proposed YF Comm. of Rel Ed. was not needed.

A notion that a rep would be sent was brought and asked for approval.

A request for allowing the spirit to lead the group instead of having strong convictions of right and wrong was voiced by a friend.

A Friend voiced her concern of the feeling of urgency, being able to lay some of these issues down and return to them at a later date. Others echoed this opinion.

A Friend voiced a concern about the scholarship process. The clerk spoke to this concern adding that there had been some confusion between herself and PYM's treasurer, and she clarified and brought up the option of having a Scholarship Committee or Clerk again.

It was expressed that having co-clerks is a good idea.

Concern that adding committees would add work. There are people who are comitted and enthusiastic about doing things.

Colin Anderson expressed interest in being communications clerk if approved by the meeting.

A Friend offered the idea of having three clerks; two clerks and one assistant to do scholarship and paper work, etc.

The clerk proposed having two Co-Clerks and four Ministry & Oversight members to all share in responsibilities.

Clerk proposed herself and the four current M&O responsibilities.

Adding a Communications Clerk to the nominating committee slate was approved.

A Friend brought up the idea of rotating clerks again. There was a concern that a two year commitment might not work for some young friends and their unpredictable lives. A question was brought up as to whether there is a real need for two clerks. Trust was giving to nominating committee on this subject.


The following schedule was approved for this afternoon:
2:30 - 3:15 Visalia Discussion
4:15 - 5:30 P&SO (Edith Cole)

Ethan Coonen announced two backpacking trips planned for the following year. One that will be coordinated in mid-December in Santa Cruz by Alan Edgar, and one that will be in the spring in southern California that will be coordinated by Eric Amen.

There was hope expressed that we could begin our business meeting early tomorrow (on saturday) so that we could have an extended period of closing worship.

Our meeting closed with silence and a "GO QUAKER" cheer.

Business Meeting Six August 5, 2000

We opened at 9:45am with some silence.

The Clerk of our Ministry & Oversight Comm., Darcy Stanley reminded us of the responsibility of members of this meeting to clerk ourselves with speaking only once on a topic. There was a list posted as to members responsibilities and duties. She reminded us to really listen to eachother to make our meetings more effective. She also reminded us that slowing down can sometimes help us to move along faster.

A Friend reminded us that this is a meeting for worship on the occasion of business.

Faith & Practice

**Colin Anderson read our revised F&P blurb. There were comments and clarifications and the following passage was APPROVED to be submitted to the Faith & Practice Comm.:

Young Friends experience Yearly Meeting as a unique opportunity to come together as a large group in fellowship and worship, giving one another emotional and spiritual support. Though many Young Friends participate in other Quaker activities, Yearly Meeting is an important experience for Friends in transition from youth into adulthood. The weeklong gathering gives them time to build community both socially and spiritually.

Young Friends hold their own Business Meetings to seek the leadings of the Light, build leadership, and encourage awareness of Quaker practice. They strive to be involved in the greater PYM community, including the Junior Yearly Meeting and children's program. Young Friends learn and grow from the patterns of their traditions and examples of their elders and peers.


After a second reading of the epistle, and many revisions, Friends approved the epistle, which will be attached to these minutes.

Nominating Slate

The Nominating Committee asked for approval of the following description of YF Clerks.

Friends did not approve the job descriptions due to not enough time to have thoroughly threshed, but offered these proposed suggestions as helpers towards future YF meetings.

Friends read the following Nom Com Slate:

Clerk: Stephen Myers; Returning Co-Clerk: Sara Corbett;
M&O: Darcy Stanley (Clerk), Kate

After some clarification, Friends APPROVED the slate!

Minutes (YEA! um, yah, finally. =)

Closing Worship

Wednesday, August 2, 2000

We openned at 4:20 a.m. with a period of silence.

Our guests introduced themselves: Trudy Freidel, Stephen McNeill, and Bobbi Kendig, all from PYM's Peace & Social Order Committee, as well as Chuck Freidel who is a strong supporter of the committee. Joe Franko, the Regional Director for the Pacific Southwest Region of AFSC also introduced himself.

Trudy thanked YF for the invitation to speak with us.

Thomas Leo, also from PYM's Peace and Social Order committee joined the group.
Trudy gave some background on her introduction to Quakerism. She spoke of her clearness committee (which she highly recommends having). We got some clarification as to what a weighty Quaker is. She said that what drew her to Quakerism was that they lived what they believed. She continued to give examples of when she has lived the principles of Quakerism. She commented that it is difficult as a pacifist to answer the question: What would you do if...?

There was a recommendation to send postcards and to peruse the Peace and Social Order committee table in the breezeway.

There was acknowledgement of a program called "Progressive Secretary" which is on the internet. It helps you to send email to legislators.

We were reminded that sometimes letters representing groups can be more effective. A small number of people can make a differnce.

A recommendaton was made that youth attend the national sesion of FCNL during November which is Veterans Day Weekend. YF's could also ask to become Yearly Meeting Represenatitves to FCNL.

One YF spoke of her overwhelming feelings that come sometime with concern for social issues and not always knowing where to get the information and hot to express it.

There was also a description of FCL, FCNL, & AFSC. All of these sites have web sites and hard copy information can be recieved as well.

One Friend spoke about how he got involved in race relations recommended that you get involved in being an activist over issues that of deep concern to you. And you must do it with a sense of feeling and fun.

There are many issues of concern.

Trudy spoke to us of Livermore Labs. There is a demonstration on Tuesday August 8th near the Berkeley BART.

One Friend helped us by saying that only one step can lead us. It becomes easier to say no to other things. A sense arises. Choose a path that has heart.

It was expressed that the sense of activism in youth stronger than in the last 30 years.

The clerk asked for a description of P&SO.

We spoke of military budget.

Thomas Leo spoke of a document by Frederik Shuman which was written 30 years ago called "Why a Department of Peace?" The concept of a department of peace was suggested in 1780. He also presented Dennis Kucinichs (rep from Ohio) most recent proposal for a department of peace.
