
Young Friends, PYM 2000

To Friends Everywhere,

Young Friends gathered as a part of Pacific Yearly Meeting (PYM) 2000 at the Mount Madonna retreat center in the mountains above Watsonville, California. In an atmosphere of inclusion and integration, our community was enriched by high school-aged Friends and those in their 30's, although most of us were college-aged.

We had several rich and productive meetings for business. In response to concerns raised in previous years, the Religious Education Subcommittee sought input from Young Friends. Many of us spoke passionately about growing up Quaker, and the various successes and failures of the religious education programs of our Meetings. Young Friends approved queries on this topic, which the Subcommittee will carry to Monthly Meetings.

A deep concern arose about unity with nature, and how faithful activism on the part of Young Friends and others should lead to a Yearly Meeting testimony. We agreed that merely including a testimony on unity with nature in our Faith and Practice would have little meaning, if the Yearly Meeting was not already actively living such a faith.

We had a full week of learning and play. Each afternoon, invited speakers offered a presentation and discussion for Young Friends on various social justice topics. As is traditional at Mount Madonna, we took a road trip to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. The group was thrilled to fill nearly an entire car on the Giant Dipper roller coaster. Much full-voiced screaming ensued. We participated in and supplied music for the traditional intergenerational dance. Junior Yearly Meeting and Young Friends gathered for an active evening of play and sports together in the gym, where youth and energy sometimes triumphed over height and weight. As always, much of our most important sharing and socializing took place late at night, including backrubs, impromptu music sessions, and time in the hot tub.

Many of us found it rewarding to participate widely in the greater PYM. Individuals worked with committees, led an interest group, joined in worship sharing, played piano, sang, attended plenaries, performed at Community Night, and helped with the Memorial Plenary. An intensely emotional and joyously spontaneous late night Meeting for Worship left us both drained and inspired.

Even as we enjoyed our week at PYM, we continued our search for identity as a group. Most of the Faith and Practice Revision Committee joined our business meeting concerning the draft Faith and Practice description of Young Friends. An ad hoc committee of Young Friends drafted the following proposed text:

Out of the work on our own internal structure, nomination process, and better connection with the wider Yearly Meeting, we heard impassioned testimony. In recent years PYM has been reaching out more to Young Friends, even as Young Friends have taken a more active role in the wider meeting. However, we have concerns that when we have served as representatives or liaisons to committees, our role has sometimes been limited to token representation of "Young Friends views," and has had little of the true expectations and responsibilities of committee service.

Throughout the week, the most valuable element of being together was a much-needed peer community, grounded in respect and spiritual growth.

In the Light,

PYM Young Friends
