This page, which was updated on Second Month (March) 22, 2018, describes a bit about Prospect Hill Friends Meeting. A brief, and yet quite complete, description exists in a brochure distributed to visitors and other interested persons. A copy of the text within that brochure has been posted as a separate web page titled About Prospect Hill Friends Meeting. Prospect Hill Friends Meeting also maintains a small library. A listing of the library books is also posted; members and attenders of the Meeting are encouraged both to use the catalog to request to borrow books and also to suggest other appropriate titles.
Topics at the current site include, but are not limited to, those in the library catalog following list; each is linked to the appropriate section on this web page:
First Day (Sunday) Meetings for Worship - time, place, and programs
On the first First Day (Sunday) of the each month, the unprogrammed Meeting for Worship begins at 4:00 p.m. (doors open by 3:45 p.m. to allow time to settle).
Prospect Hill Friends Meeting meets in the Twin Cities Friends Meeting house,
1725 Grand Avenue, in St. Paul from 4 p. m. – 6p.m.
(scroll down to the bottom of this website for directions)
For meeting location, driving directions or/and more information please contact: clerk Sigrid Coats (612-379-7398)
If you have a concern, you may speak to the clerks or any of the Spiritual Nurture Committee (SNC: Lyn Egolf Grider, Nancy Sather, or Regula Russelle.
PHFM SNC attends to the spiritual life of the Meeting and individual members. To have a concern considered timely, ask when their next meeting is and let them know by the weekend before
Scheduled programs are (or were):
Calendar for 5:00 pm Program, which follows (unprogrammed) Quaker Worship at 4:00 pm.
Date |
Topic |
Facilitator/Speaker |
3/18 |
Viking Economics – How the Scandinavian economics transformed themselves – a book review
Ralph Jacobson
3/25 |
Strangers in their own Land a report & discussion |
Michael & Regula Russelle |
4/1 |
Easter music and April Fools'stories We will sing from Worship in Song with or without accompaniment - and we tell a few of our favorite April Fools stories
Cynthia will direct events (just a bit) although she will play the piano |
4/8 |
Meeting for Business at 5 PM Follow Meeting for worship 4 PM No program this date |
Clerks |
Potluck supper follows |
4/15 |
What are you reading? |
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Prospect Hill Friends Meeting is a member of the Northern Yearly Meeting, a member of Friends General Conference.
Northern Yearly Meeting does not have Quarterly Meetings. Some of those functions are met by Four Rivers Friends, which has representatives from the four Monthly meetings in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Their programs are listed as appropriate on their own page.
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These programs enable the members of the Meeting to get to know one another better. The potluck starts at 6:15p.m. (unless otherwise noted) and is followed by a program or activities. A somewhat related function is provided by the social gathering.
October 28 (4 th Friday) – Potluck welcoming QVS Visitors if the local planning group agrees. We anticipate this will be at TCFM with members of other local meetings invited.
Examples of past Third Fridays:
Friday,November 20 - Holiday Fair Pre-Sale, at the Bartoo-Jacobson residence, dessert only pot luck. Come at 7 p.m. and bring a friend. This sale is to benefit Friends for a Non Violent World.
Friday, February 21 – This was a specially called Meeting for Business. The Russelles hosted potluck supper. This was called to draft and approve a letter on the Poly Met Mining issue to be sent to the MN DNR.
Friday, May 17 – Meeting & Growing Through Life’s Challenges. Facilitator: Sigrid Coats
Friday, June 22, all-day Slumgullion at Wood’s Pine River cabin. Save the date; more info will follow.
Friday, September 20 – Creativity and Spirituality. Facilitators: Betsy & Cynthia
Friday, October 18 – Climate Change: What Can Meeting Do? Presenter is Suzanne Joy Curran who will share from the workshop she took at FGC earlier this year.
Friday, November 15 – We’ll watch the film, The Girl from Birch Creek.
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Prospect Hill Meeting uses the calendar year as its fiscal year. All Meeting appointments are also scheduled for the calendar year. The clerk for calendar year 2016 is Michael Russelle, the assistant clerk is Frank Wood, the recording clerk is Dan Madsen, and the treasurer is David Coats. Appointments to other organizations and committee assignments include the following:
Spiritual Nurture Committee |
Audit and Budget Committee |
FCNL Representative |
Ad Hoc Committees |
Four Rivers Friends Representatives |
Newsletter Editor/Distributor |
Nominating Committee |
NYM Representatives |
Program Liaison |
Directory Editor/Distributor |
Library |
Webpage Editor |
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** Watch for Retreat Plans in February or March.
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The members and attenders of Prospect Hill Friends Meeting have been active in a number of Quaker related organizations. These include:
Four Rivers Friends (formerly the Metro Friends Coordinating Committee)
Twin Cities Friends Meeting (TCFM)
Minneapolis Friends Meeting (MFM)
Cannon Valley Friends Meeting (CVFM)
St. Croix Valley Friends Meeting
Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM)
Duluth-Superior Friends Meeting (DSFM)
Friends General Conference (FGC)
Friends for a Non Violent World (FNVW)
Friends School of Minnesota (FSMN)
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC)
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Northern Spirit Radio (
These programs, produced for radio, are prepared by Mark Judkins Helpmeet under the care of Eau Claire Friends Meeting as a Northern Spirit Radio Project. The intent of these programs is to provide religious and spiritual radio programming with an aim to identify and nurture progressive living, to create a culture of mutual growth for those working hard to heal the world, and the religious communities who support such work. They intend to shine the Light where folks too seldom look, and encourage joy and energy for the physical work bringing Divine Love to the planet.
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Our Meeting can be reached by driving on I-94 and taking the Snelling Avenue exit and then heading south. At Grand Avenue turn right (west) and drive for two long blocks. The building is located on the right, the first building west of the school playground. Parking is available on the street or in the parking lot in back.
If you are away from home, check out the locations of other meetings at (Quakerfinder).
Please send email to: j[email protected] regarding any comments or questions about this web site.
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