Continuing Committee Representatives

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Appointed Representatives to Continuing Committee from each Monthly Meeting and Worship Group:

BlNr      *Larry Stout

ClCr      Grayce Mesner

Colm     Bob Wixom

Dctr       *Cindy & Gary Reynolds

DwG     Bob Cordova

             Sue Davison

Dunl      *Noel Pavlovic

Evan     Jinny Laughlin

57th      Carol Zimmerman

LkFo     Michael Terrien

NSde     Daniel Hall

             Steven Walsh

OakP     Marti Matthews

OshK    Tom Barlow

PeGa     *Elke Narkiewicz

RkVa    Ann & Brent Eckert

Rola      Chris Jocius

StLo      Dawn Rubbert

SBen     Brad Laird

SoIl       Dawn Amos

SpWG   *Diane McCluskey

UFV      Peter Albright

UrCh     Sharon Haworth

*Clerk or Contact name and address; representative not appointed.

Other members of Continuing Committee:

·        Any Friend who is part of Illinois Yearly Meeting

·        A representative of High School Young Friends and the Adult Young Friends

·        The Presiding Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Recording Clerk, Assistant Recording Clerk, Administrative Coordinator, Stewards, and Treasurer

·        The clerks of all Illinois Yearly Meeting standing and ad hoc committees

·        The Clerks of Blue River Quarterly and Metropolitan Chicago General Meeting

·        IYM Planning Group Coordinators

     The Continuing Committee, a subset of the Yearly Meeting, generally meets once each fall and once each spring to prayerfully consider and review the activities of Illinois Yearly Meeting between sessions. The committee speaks officially for the meeting during the year within the established practices, procedures, and statements of faith of the Yearly Meeting. The Presiding Clerk presides over the committee and the Recording Clerk takes minutes.