The Making of a Quaker Art Gallery - 5

Many Friends visited the Lemonade Gallery during the week, and in addition to our exhibits, we used the room for a series of readings and performances. Quaker author David Morse read from his newly-published novel, The Iron Bridge. Others read poetry and short stories from FQA's new collection, The Best of Friends, Vol 1., discussed the history of Quaker art (there's more of it than we usually think), and performed simple, striking dramas.

All too soon, the weeklong Gathering drew to its end, and it was time to take the Gallery apart.

We closed it with a pizza and lemonade "gala", and the FQA Lemonade gallery, despite its tumultuous beginning, was a success.

Although the Gallery is now gone, it is not forgotten. We look forward to recreating it at the 1999 Gathering of Friends in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Thanks for visiting our "Online gallery". Watch the FQA page for news of plans for next summer's FQA art gallery at the Gathering!

Bonnie Zimmer packs

Bonnie Zimmer prepares to dismantle her photo exhibit.

Paula Draper and

Paula Draper and her vivid circular watercolour, which brightened up the once-again bare west wall as we were packing up.


We left a bit of graffiti as a memento.


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Lemon graphics by ArtToday