Latest News & FAQS About Quaker Service

"How do I start a service program? What happens on a service project? What is the spiritual basis of service work?"   To find answers to these and other questions, click on the AFSC star icons

What is unique about Quaker service?

What is being done to help "strangers" in other lands as well as here at home?

How are Quakers helping communities of color in the

How do I start a youth service program?

Ten helpful hints for developing a youth program

Harold Confer, "Helping to Rebuild Black Churches Burned by Arsonists"

Most of the articles listed here have appeared in  Friends Bulletin, the official publication of Western independent Quakers. Its editor, Anthony Manousos, is also the coordinator for a youth service program jointly sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee and the Southern California Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). For more information about Quaker service opportunities or about Friends Bulletin, contact [email protected]. Also, see the Directory of Quaker Service Links.

Anthony Manousos, "Hows and Whys of Quaker Service"

Carolyn Stevens, "QUEST": Providing Opportunities For Young Adults Interested in a Life of Service

Nicholas Dewey, "Brown Wheat and Gold Dust": Reflections on a Service Project in Trigo Moreno,  a Mexican

Anthony Manousos, "Discovering Christ in Strangers"

Gilbert White, "Quaker Volunteer Service for the Future"

Latest News from Quaker Volunteer Service, Training and Witness (QVSTW):

Epistle from the 1997 QVSTW Conference in Burlington,  NJ

"Quaker Volunteer Service--Seeking God's Vision."  A presentation by Mary Lord, Adelphi Meeting, BYM, and Co-Clerk, Friend's Peace Team Project, delivered at 1997 QVSW Conference

To contact us:

Phone: 562-699-5670
FAX:  562-692-2472
e-mail: [email protected]