For those unfamiliar with Quaker worship, the
following explanation should be helpful. A basic belief of the Religious
Society of Friends (Quakers) is that God endows every human being with a
measure of the Divine Spirit. Thus originated the Quaker phrase used
frequently, “There is that of God in
every person.” This Spirit is also referred to as the “Inner Light” or the
“Christ Within.” Friends believe that
God speaks directly to us and through us.
We have no sacraments, offering, or clergy because we believe worship
consists of our personal communion with God.
Individual messages are inspired by the presence of the living God and
are not planned or written ahead of time.
For this reason, we have a special time for those who like to sing
hymns. We sing around the piano for 45 minutes from 9:15 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.
before meeting for worship. As we sing
together, we invite all to join our group or join in from their bench, as they
Worship begins while sitting in silence and quietly
“centering down.” We prefer that this time be uninterrupted by people coming in
or leaving the meeting room. Therefore,
those persons arriving after 10:05 are asked to wait until the break when
children leave at 10:20. Then enter
quietly. Our children are with us for
the first 20 minutes of worship. While
they may remain in worship the whole hour if they wish, most prefer to be with
the caregivers until their classes begin.
Meeting for worship is the center of life of the Religious Society of Friends. We wait in reverent and expectant silence, seeking inwardly to feel the presence and guidance of God within us. After a period of uninterrupted silence and meditation (centering down), a person may be led to rise and express a message or thought – a prayer, a poem, a Bible verse, or a spoken message about a concern or a spiritual experience. Note: this is not a time for political messages. After a short silence, the next person may speak. Even though one may disagree with what has been said, Meeting for Worship is not a time to argue with other worshippers.
In a Friends’ Meeting for Worship, it is not
uncommon to experience long periods of silence. However, worshippers are aware that the Spirit of God is
nonetheless present in that silence.
When the meeting closes, we shake hands with one
another after an appointed person stands and welcomes all visitors and
attenders. We then gather around the
teacart for an informal social period.
If after attending Meeting for Worship for a time,
you feel attracted to the Religious Society of Friends and wish to join
Evanston Meeting, we encourage you to inform the clerk of your interest. We are strengthened by your presence and
hope that you will always find a warm welcome in our meetings for worship.
We do not interrupt our meeting for worship by taking an offering. However, contributions toward our Meeting’s
programs and outreach can be placed in one of two wooden boxes secured on the
wall at either side of the entrance to the meeting room.