Duluth-Superior Monthly Meeting
of the Religious Society of Friends

Meeting for Worship......... Sundays 10 - 11 AM
Call for information about First Day School
First & Third Sundays... Singing Worship 9:30 - 10:00 AM

1802 East 1st Street Duluth, Minnesota * 218-724-2659

Main Page

Clerk's e-mail:
geoffreysgates (at) gmail.com

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Geoffery Gates

Jen Jones

Recording Clerk:
Kelley Haldeman

General Friends' Information www.quaker.org

Friends Calendar
Meeting for Business: First Sunday of the month following Meeting for Worship
Adult Education: check with the clerk
Potluck: Third Sunday of the month following Meeting for Worship
Northern Yearly Meeting: Memorial Day Weekend
Mesaba Park Retreat: Last weekend in July

Meeting For Worship
If you are new to our meeting, you may have some questions about what you will experience here at meeting. At the appointed time, we settle into worship- attempting to focus inwardly, to clear our minds. Waiting together in silence for the still small voice of God is the foundation of Quaker worship. We have no appointed leaders or sacraments, and believe that the experience of God's power is equally accessible to each of us. In the silence, we may experience a clearer view of a problem, a sense of comfort or direction, a special feeling of gratitude and praise, a strong concern. These may be private impulses, but sometimes individuals are led by the divine spirit to share a vocal message with the meeting. It is most effective if these messages are spoken so that all present can hear, and if a space of silence is allowed before another message is given.

After about an hour, someone previously designated shakes hands with someone else which signals the rise of meeting. At that point, everyone joins hands. Any messages that seem important but didn't quite rise to speech during worship are shared. Visitors are asked to introduce themselves, and general announcements follow. We then share in informal fellowship and light refreshments. This is a good opportunity to get to know each other, ask questions, and to look at books and materials.

Other Quaker Links
~ Friends General Conference
~ American Friends Service Committee
~ Friends' Committee on National Legislation
~ Friends for a Nonviolent World
~ Friends School of Minnesota
Friends with Banner
Duluth Superior Friends bearing "witness for peace"