How do we sense the spirit moving among us?


Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

State of the Meeting Report



“We believe that wherever the human spirit strives to push back the sphere of darkness and to widen the area of light, wherever (people) sacrifice the immediate interests of the one alone for the diviner aims of the many together, there God is present in that search for the better and more inclusive world that is to be. The kingdoms we build for love’s sake, and our dedications to the good of the whole, our passions and agonizing struggle for light and truth and life are ways of touching the hem of the garment of God.”

RUFUS JONES, letter, 1936



In 2007 our meeting was in a process of becoming more conscious of itself.  Learning to surrender to the “agonizing struggle for light” was hard spiritual work in our meetings for worship with a concern for business.  We sought for ways to understand better how we can care for one another. We made painstakingly slow progress in sorting out such issues as: relationships to money, financial procedures, property, space use, and our relationship to Friends Seminary.  Through the discomfort we felt the Spirit moving among us. 


There was an abundance of educational opportunities in our meeting. The combined First Day School of 15th Street and Manhattan Meetings began sharing their activities with us at rise of meeting, bringing us great joy.  The Friends in Unity with Nature Committee sponsored an Eco-Spirituality and Action class, and a day-long symposium.  The Ministry and Worship Committee organized a series of Third Sunday afternoon programs, a six week Quakerism 101 class, and a six week consideration of a 17th century exposition on Quakerism, Robert Barclay’s Apology. We also hosted a Spiritual Healing event with guest leaders from Powell House.


In addition to our First day meetings for worship at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m., a few small, intimate midweek worship groups flowered. We are grateful to have been nurtured by these times together.






Membership additions

                        By request:      5                                              By transfer:                 1


Membership losses

                        By transfer:     1 adult and 3 children             By release:                   1



Total membership on 12/31/2007                    186

(165 adults, 21 children)



Approved by Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting Fifth month 18, 2008, minute number 8.