The 2001 Quaker Peace Roundtable:

WORKSHOP: What Can the Bible teach Us About Peacemaking?  -- 6

Ron Mock           



Because Christians believe...

They also believe

Therefor, in public matters they

As a result, in Politics

Christians will:

As a result, in Markets Christians will:

As a result, in Communities Christians will:

1. God is Creator

Miracles are possible

Never take a situation only at its face value

1A. Pray for things   political


1B. Expect God to instruct what to do to help political miracles happen.


1C. Stand ready to act as directed, to take up and follow political vocations


1A. Pray for things economic


1B. Expect God to instruct what to do to help economic miracle happen


1C. Stand ready to act as directed, to take up and follow economic vocations

1A.  Pray for neighbors: geographic, religious, professional, etc.


1B.  Expect God to instruct  what to do to help neighbors


1C. Stand ready to act as directed, to take up and follow non-profit vocations



2. God is Omnipotent + God is Love = Hope

God knows a way to give everyone a means to meet their needs:

2A. Understand that any time someone is left with no means to meet needs, God’s will has not yet been done.


2B. Don’t settle for leaving anyone out.


2C. Take risks confident that there will be ways to meet needs, including their own, if God has asked for a sacrifice of security


2D. Embody hope.



2A.  Tend to the political realm; do not leave it to others


2B.  Never settle for adversarial win/lose  politics, even when it is politically advantageous


2C.  Listen to all sides, either within or outside the process;

overlook borders


2D.  Eschew violence


2F.  Be agents of hope that there is a way to construct policies that give everyone a means to meet needs

2A.  Tend to the economic realm; do not leave it to others


2B. Engage readily in economic competition, but with a modified view of profit maximization: let profit be a byproduct of service.


2C.  Help others find their way into their market niche; listen to potential customers


2D. Eschew manipulation, misinformation, fraud, bribery, cutting hidden corners, etc.


2E. Avoid overconsumption


2F. Promote a true “minimum wage” to cover education, devotional time, health, etc. 


2 G. Be agents of hope that there is a way to meet the needs of producers & consumers & bystanders

2A. Tend to communities; do not leave them to others


2B. Incarnate amidst those in need, share sufferings, but without closing doors to those of other views or demonizing them.


2C. Listen to all sides, including the “bad guys,” for expressions of need; work to help everyone meet needs


2D. Eschew bigotry, demonization, one-sided mythologies


2E. Be agents of hope that there are ways for the community to work together to create means to meet needs.


Because Christians believe...

They also believe

Therefor, in public matters they

As a result, in Politics

Christians will:

As a result, in Markets Christians will:

As a result, in Communities Christians will:

3.  God is Love + Omnipotent + God is Truth = Commitment to Doing Right































The truth will set people free – that is, when people find and live in the truth, it will be the best for us and for everyone else.



























3A.  Understand that doing the RIGHT thing is the same as doing the BEST thing for all concerned


3B. Approach issues with humility, not assuming they already know everything.


3C.  Assume that each person may be crucial in finding Truth. God may speak through anyone, including nonbelievers.  Having a way to be heard is a basic human need.


3D. Refuse to cut moral corners, manipulate facts or people, or deceive.


3E. Submit to worthy authorities – those in a better position to know the consequences of our choices.





3A.  Encourage dialog; provide safe places for it, listen to others


3B. Work for systems which give each person realistic opportunity to translate needs into political demands (including  time and skill to formulate and press demands)


3C. Speak truth, even when inconvenient or uncomfortable. Refuse to succumb to the temptation to short-circuit Truth by telling only part of it, deceiving, or manipulating; and by avoiding bribery in all its forms.  Seek to have all political decisions made on their merits


3D.  Seek to transform conflict into a joint search for truth


3E.  Incorporate the strengths of others’ views in ideas & proposals


3F.  Work for judiciaries that are accessible, even-handed, bound by law, truth-seeking, reasoned, and self-correcting; submit to such judicial systems


3G.  Work for legislatures that are connected, public spirited, rational, and effective; submit to such legislatures


3H. Buttress the rule of law

3A. Value markets for their capacity to reflect human needs and wants, and to provide incentives for others to meet them at a mutually agreeable price, promoting utility by empowering people to design their own lives.


3B.  Listen to the market, and directly to people, as a way to clarify callings


3C. Enhance the market as truth-teller by working for:

* antitrust law to counter monopoly or oligopoly

* practices that discourage misinformation, fraud, and manipulative communication

* liability laws, regulations to pay for externalities 

* elimination of nepotism, protectionism, and other nonconsensual subsidies

* elimination of bribery & other betrayals of  duty

* access to markets by everyone


3D.  Struggle against the spread of depraved demand (vices)


3E.  Encourage government to limit its economic activity to the provision of public goods

3A. Practice finding consensus or “the sense of the meeting” 

in community decisions.


3B. Ensure that all stakeholders have voice in communities, including necessary resources like time, energy, information, literacy and other communication skills.


3C. Help all parties  speak truth and listen to others; seek to transform conflict into a joint search for truth


3D. Practice courtesy and civility


3E.  Provide places for people to break down stereotypes and other barriers to human connection


3F.  Look for and encourage emergent leaders


3G. Learn other languages & cultures


Because Christians believe...

They also believe

Therefor, in approaching public matters they

As a result, in Politics

Christians will:

As a result, in Markets Christians will:

As a result, in Communities Christians will:

4. God is Merciful + God is Just + God is Omnipotent = Justice and Forgiveness Must Both be Possible

Believers must live in the tension between mercy and justice; forgiveness is unconditional; reconciliation may not be complete without  justice.


Relationships are the eternal part of this world. God intends the worst enemies to be closer than brothers someday in paradise


4A. Separate persons from issues


4B.  Model readiness to forgive, and to repent and seek forgiveness


4C.  Model persistence in pursuit of justice for people and on issues


4D.  Stand with the weak and the oppressed when that is what is most needed


4E.  Work constantly for reconciliation


4A. Seek out relationships with all sides in a conflict; refuse to let one side forbid access to other sides.


4B.  Build networks of peacemakers from all sides.


4C.  Break down walls; give space for opponents to meet and establish a human connection; heal memories.


4D. Empathize; work to see issues from all points of view, ultimately from God’s.


4E.  Model forgiveness; accept suffering and still love; hold no grudges


4F. Model confession, repentance, and seeking forgiveness


4G. Advocate for truth and reconciliation in the wake of egregious injustice


4H. Refuse to give in to the temptation to demonize anyone, including one’s worst opponents.


4I. Embody nonviolence in violent settings, either as a party to conflict, or as a third party intervenor (e.g. CPT)

4A. Incorporate jubilee principles into private economic life through generosity (giving, forgiving debt, hiring ex-cons, etc.)


4B. Work to build jubilee ideas into the public economy through such policies as:

* forgiving third world debt,

*accession taxes (rather than death taxes?)

*quality education for all,

* minimum wages and working conditions (worldwide)

* worker ownership of enterprises

* labor unions

* general decentralization of economic power, etc.


4C. Take risks to resolve commercial disputes consensually; minimize adversarial approaches such as litigation


4D. Trust and be trustworthy.


4E. Ask and offer forgiveness

4A.  Seek out relationships with “neighbors”; listen to learn their needs


4B. Build and support processes for peaceful conflict resolution, e.g.,  community mediation, neighborhood organization, etc.


4C.  Provide safe places for private and public civil dialog, establishing human connections; encourage the spread of  loving/ affiliative power within the community


4D. Work with neighbors to ensure that all stakeholders’ needs are considered when churches, etc., plan major changes in land use, etc.


4E. Ask and offer forgiveness.


4f. Model peaceful conflict management in internal congregational conflict, personal lives




Because Christians believe...

They also believe

Therefor, in approaching public matters they

As a result, in Politics

Christians will:

As a result, in Markets Christians will:

As a result, in Communities Christians will:

5.  Everything is God’s

Humans are stewards for God, to be unconditionally available to God


Everyone is meant to be a steward for God; thus truth, service, ideas, and leadership might come from any quarter – in God’s polity, leadership is emergent and servant

5A. Seek to act for God’s purposes


5B. Put everything at God’s disposal


5C. Work diligently for God’s will as God directs


5D. Stay open to the Word of God coming from anyone:

  * rather than entrenched hierarchical leadership, look for emergent servant leadership;

  * rather than political polarization and dehum-anization, look for that of God in even the worst people, and be ready to learn from them.

5A. Treat politics as an arena for stewardship. Act as a citizen, and (if called to) run for and fill office, not with the primary goal of furthering one’s own interests or political career, but with the goal of enhancing the truth and reconciliation process by:

* giving voice to those not normally heard

* speaking truth

* treating opponents civilly and lovingly, as fellow laborers in solving public problems, and as dear brothers and sisters.

* listening, expecting God to speak through anyone

* embodying hope and its children, including creativity and persistence

* reducing the influence of corruption and bigotry


5B.  In political life, keep oneself accountable to fellow stewards


5C.  Expect, foster, and hold responsible emergent servant public leaders, and be ready for such a call on oneself



5A.  Treat personal assets as God’s, being held as trustees, not as owners.  This applies to the believer’s:

* wealth

* time

* education

* commercial opportunities

* skills

* selves


5B. Evaluate use of assets by God’s standards of profitability, not just human standards – remembering to be humble before the market


5C. Be spiritual / economic entrepreneurs taking risks for God’s profit


5D. Encourage the diversification of God’s portfolio – liberally support creative spin-offs and start-ups.



5A. Treat community connections as assets to be employed for God’s work


5B. Tithe an appropriate percentage of time, money, energy to service in one or more communities


5C. Be early with projects to meet community needs; take the initiative, look for ways to love


5D. Encourage the construction and nourishment of voluntary civic institutions, from clubs to community service groups, among one’s “neighbors.”


Because Christians believe...

They also believe

Therefor, in approaching public matters they

As a result, in Politics

Christians will:

As a result, in Markets Christians will:

As a result, in Communities Christians will:

6. The world is fallen but redeemed; the people in it are of infinite value

The world is impermanent and flawed.  Suffering will always happen.


The only things designed to be permanent are people and relationships


Christ did all that was necessary to redeem the world, although it appears that at least part of the world will not accept Christ’s gift before He comes again.


Although the world is impermanent and imperfect (fallen), it is precious  in the eyes of God and bears the stamp of the Creator; its value does not depend entirely on its contribution to human welfare

6A.  Seek to help redeem the world.


6B.  Accept the likelihood of suffering, and the probability that believers will be asked to voluntarily share in others’ suffering


6C.  View people as infinite in value


6D. Tend to the beauty and health of the created order


6E. Remember to revel in the goodness of the earth, in gratitude for and proper stewardship of God’s creative love


6F. Try to help others to see God in their lives and find a relationship with Him.


6A. Be on guard against, and refuse to participate in, abuses of power and unloving practices


6B.  Love their oppressors, repaying evil with kindness


6C.  Work for strong constitutional and procedural safeguards to limit the damage that can be done by fallen people: checks and balances, accountability, human rights, watchdog groups, etc.


6D. Express and cultivate gratitude for positive features of civic life


6E.  Share in others’ suffering or, if possible, suffer in their stead


6F.  Encourage the public espousal of the highest values and virtues; at worst, creating some constructive hypocrisy; at best improving the political culture; speak to that of God in each person


6G.  Embody the Kingdom of God, and be ready to explain  

6A.  Accept reductions in standard of living as required to support jubilee, justice, etc., in the economic system


6B.  Devote economic resources to projects that heal ugliness (beautify) and sin (redeem).


6C. Encourage vocations in industries that heal (medical, environmental, social,  etc.) and build anew  (education, art, engineering, practical trades, etc.)


6D.  Take special care to see customers, suppliers, co-workers as people, never as commodities; remember that each is intended to grow into an eternal relationship


6E. Encourage enterprises to espouse the highest values and virtues; at least creating constructive hypocrisy; at best improving the commercial culture; speak to that of God in each person


6F. Embody the Kingdom of God, ready to explain

6A. Use churches as a central tool in serving and building the community


6B. Devote resources to community projects that beautify and heal


6C.  Revel in one’s “neighbors”


6D. Love the unlovely and the insufferable


6E.  Share in neighbors’ sufferings; refuse to pass by on the other side


6F. Encourage communities to espouse the highest values and virtues; at least creating some constructive hypocrisy; at best improving the local civic culture; speak to that of God in each person


6G. Embody the Kingdom of God and be ready to explain




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