Library Materials Catalog

of Prospect Hill Friends Meeting

Updated: 12 January 2010

"Amnesty and the Draft," (editorial) Social Action, April 1969. (36 pp)

American Friends Service Committee (1983). Phillip Berryman, What's Wrong in Central America and What To Do About It. Philadelphia. (58 pp)

American Friends Service Committee (1990). AFSC v. Thornburgh: Immigration, Employment and Religious Freedom. Philadelphia. (25 pp)

American Friends Service Committee, Immigration Policy Unit (1991). Aurora Camacho de Schmidt. In Their Presence: Reflections on the Transforming Power of Undocumented Immigrants in the United States. Philadelphia. (71 pp)

American Friends Service Committee, Simple Living Collective (1977). Taking Charge: Practical Suggestions for Change in Our Daily Lives, Our Communities--and the World. New York: Bantam Books. (341 pp)

Bacon, Margaret H. (1974), The Quaker Struggle for the Rights of Women, Address to the annual meeting of the Pasadena, California Regional Office of the American Friends Service Committee. (21 pp)

Benson, Lewis (1974). "A Revolutionary Gospel." Reprinted from The Friend, vol 132, nos. 16-18.

Benson, Lewis (1983). George Fox's Message Is Relevant for Today. Kutztown, Penna. (11 pp)

Berrigan, Daniel (1987), The Hole in the Ground: A Parable for Peacemakers, Minneapolis: Meridel LeSueur Center for Peace and Justice. (28 pp)

Brutz, Judy (1985). Parable and Transforming Power Among Friends. Address given at Illinois and Ohio Valley Yearly Meetings. (13 pp)

Brutz, Judy (1986). Becoming a Beatitude People: How to Live Faithfully at Home and in the Meeting. Richmond, Indiana: Friends Consultation on Doing the Truth. (23 pp)

Daughters of Sarah, Nov/Dec 1989, "Christian Feminism: Let's Celebrate, Chicago. (40 pp)

Discipline: Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative) (1984). (98 pp)

Fager, Chuck (1996). Without Apology: The Heroes, the Heritage, and the Hope of Liberal Quakerism. Media, PA: Kimo Press. (170 pp)

Faith and Practice Book of Discipline of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends, (1983). (39 pp)

Faith and Practice, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (1972 -- 2 copies). (227 pp)

Fogelklou, Emilia (1985). Reality and Radiance: Selected Autobiographical Works of Emilia Fogelklou. (Introduced, compiled, and translated from the Swedish by H.T. Lutz.) Richmond, Indiana: United Friends Press. (189 pp)

Foulds, Elfrida Vipont (1977). "The Quaker Search for a Faith to Live By," one of series: Tyler Anderson Memorial Lecture, Mpls. Friends Meeting House. (12 pp)

Fox, George (1983). The Journal of George Fox. (Edited by R.M. Jones; essay by H.J. Cadbury.) Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press. (605 pp)

Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns (1986). Edwin Bronner, A Quaker History. Philadelphia: FWCC. (25 pp)

Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns (1986). John Lamoreau and Ralph Beebe, What Does the Bible Say? Philadelphia: FWCC. (13 pp)

Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns (1986). Peter Goldberger, Options and Consequences. Philadelphia: FWCC. (28 pp)

Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns (1986). Resources for Study. Philadelphia: FWCC. (9 pp)

Friends Committee on War Tax Concerns (1986). We Friends Here Assembled. Philadelphia: FWCC. (23 pp)

Friends Conference on Religion and Society, Inward Light, 21:53. Spring-Summer, 1957 (not titled). (48 pp)

Friends Conference on Religion and Society, Inward Light, 23:60. Elizabeth Gray Vining: "Women in Quakerism," Fall, 1960. (40 pp)

Friends Conference on Religion and Society, Inward Light, 32:75. "Womanhood in Myth and in Life," Spring, 1969. (48 pp)

Friends Conference on Religion and Society, Inward Light, 41:91. "Hypoglycemia and the Hound of Heaven: Hestia and Athena," Spring, 1978. (52 pp)

Friends Conference on Religion and Society, Inward Light, 45:98. "The Feminine in Archetype and Image," Spring, 1982. (52 pp)

Friends General Conference Pamphlet (1975), Elise Boulding, The Personhood of Children, Philadelphia. (14 pp)

Friends General Conference Pamphlet (1976), Towards a Quaker View of Sex (An Essay by a Group of Friends, revised edition, Philadelphia. (84 pp)

Friends General Conference Pamphlet (1982), William Whalen, The Quakers (revised edition), Philadelphia. (32 pp)

Friends General Conference Pamphlet (1998), Arthur M. Larrabee, Experiencing God: Three Spiritual Practices, Philadelphia. (28 pp)

Friends House Pamphlet (1972). Roots and Fruits of Meditation: Seven Introductory Essays. Madison. (34 pp)

Friends House Pamphlet (1973). What Is This Friendly Silence All About?: An Introduction to Quakerism. Madison. (24 pp)

Friends in Unity With Nature (1987-1988). Collection of newsletters and other information. (50 pp)

Friends World Committee for Consultation (1976). Friends in the Americas. Philadelphia. (130 pp)

Friends World Committee for Consultation (1979). The Church in Quaker Thought and Practice: A Study in Ecclesiology. Edited by Charles F. Thomas. Philadelphia. (72 pp)

Friends World Committee for Consultation (1983). David A. Seeger, Practicing the Gospel of Hope in the Nuclear Age. Philadelphia. (24 pp)

Gibas, Grace (1992). "The Assassination of John F. Kennedy," reproduced from a series in Circulating Pines, 1986. (15 pp)

Gospel According to Thomas, The (1959). (Coptic text established and translated by A. Guillaumont, H.-Ch. Puech, G. Quispel, W. Till and Yassah 'Abd Al Masih.) New York: Harper & Row. (62 pp)

Grant, Robert M. (1972). A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible. New York: Macmillan Company. (224 pp)

Ham Sok Hon (1985). Queen of Suffering: A Spiritual History of Korea. (Translated from the Korean by E. Sang Yu; edited and abridged by John A. Sullivan.) London: Friends World Committee for Consultation. (187 pp)

Heironimus, Dorothy (19??). Friends in Mexico. Richmond, Indiana: American Friends Board of Missions. (31 pp)

Hope Bacon, Margaret (1980). Valiant Friend: The Life of Lucretia Mott. New York: Walker and Company. (265 pp)

Hopkirk Ackerman, Dorothy (1992), Poems and Sculpture, Minnetonka, Minnesota. (15 pp)

Janzen Longacre, Doris (1980). Living More with Less. Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press. (295 pp)

Kahlil Gibran (1977). The Prophet. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Publisher. (96 pp)

Kelly, Thomas (1996). Reality of the Spiritual World" and "The Gathered Meeting. London: Quaker Home Service. (67 pp)

Kenworthy, Leonard S. (1979) Meditations Around the World. Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press. (32 pp)

Kenworthy, Leonard S. (1981). Quakerism: A Study Guide on the Religious Society of Friends. Kennett Square, PA: Quaker Publications. (215 pp)

Kenworthy, Leonard S. (1986), Some Contributions of Quakers to the World, Kennett Square, PA: Quaker Publications. (77 pp)

Maccoby, Hyam (1986). The Myth-maker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity. San Francisco: Harper & Row. (237 pp)

Merton, Thomas (1974). A Thomas Merton Reader, (Edited by T.P. McDonnell), Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co. (516 pp)

Newman, Daisy (1992), A Procession of Friends, Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press. (460 pp).

Northern Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice (1999--In Process). (5 pp)

Palmer, Parker J. (1978), And a Little Child Shall Lead Them, Philadelphia: Friends Journal. (24 pp)

Peachey, J. Lorne (1981). How to Teach Peace to Children. Scottsdale, PA: Herald Press. (32 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #130: Dorothy Gilbert Thorne, Poetry among Friends (1963), Wallingford, PA. (39 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #142: Bradford Smith, Dear Gift of Life: A Man's Encounter with Death (1965 -- 2 copies), Wallingford, PA. (38 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #178: Phillips P. Moulton, Violence-or Aggressive Nonviolent Resistance?, Wallingford, PA (1971--2 copies). (31 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #191: Erminie Huntress Lantero, Feminine Aspects of Divinity, Wallingford, PA (1973 -- 2 copies). (32 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #221: Elizabeth Gray Vining, Harnessing Pegasus: Inspiration and Meditation, Wallingford, PA (1978 -- 2 copies). (24 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #222: Elise Boulding, The Family As a Way Into the Future, Wallingford, PA (1978). (24 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #226: Walter Barnett, Homosexuality and the Bible: An Interpretation, Wallingford, PA (1979). (32 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #228: Margarethe Lachmund, With Thine Adversary in the Way: A Quaker Witness for Reconciliation translated from the German by Florence L. Kite, Wallingford, PA (1979). (26 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #229: John Ormerod Greenwood, Henry Hodgkin: The Road to Pendle Hill, Wallingford, PA (1980). (31 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #233: Theodor Benfey, Friends and the World of Nature, Wallingford, PA (1980). (28 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #239: Norma Jacob, Growing Old: A View From Within, Wallingford, PA (1981). (31 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #250: Newton Garver, Jesus, Jefferson, and the Task of Friends, Wallingford, PA (1983). (30 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #251: Carol R. Muirphy, Nurturing Contemplation, Wallingford, PA (1983). (34 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #254: David W. Pitre, To Martin Luther King with Love: A Southern Quaker's Tribute, Wallingford, PA (1984--2 copies). (36 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #256: William Taber, The Prophetic Stream, Wallingford, PA (1984). (64 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #257: Fritz Eichenberg, Art and Faith, Wallingford, PA (1984). (36 pp)

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #305: Patricia Loring, Spiritual Discernment: The Context and Goal of Clearness Committees, Wallingford, PA (1992). (32 pp)

Pendle Hill Publications and Bookstore Catalog--1998-1999, Wallingford, PA (47 pp)

Penn, William (1945). Fruits of an Active Life. (Selections and Introductory Essays by W. Wistar Comfort and I. Sharpless). Philadelphia: Friends Central Bureau. (102 pp)

Prairie Island Coalition (1998). "Good Nukes--Almost Good Enough." Lake Elmo, MN. (video)

Prasad, Devi (198?). "Nonviolence: Gandhi and the Minority Struggles." Non-Violent Alternatives Series, #2, supplement to PAN #9. (16 pp)

Prospect Hill Friends (198?). Friends Share. (6 copies) (14 pp)

Quaker Marriage, A, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. (16 pp)

Quaker Universalist Fellowship (1992), Edwin Staudt, Meanings of the Word, Christ. Landenberg, PA. (19 pp)

Quaker Universalist Fellowship Daniel A. Seeger (1997), I Have Called You Friends: One Quaker's Reflections Concerning Jesus. Landenberg, P.A. (30 pp)

Quaker Universalist Fellowship Mulford Q. Sibley and Rhoda R. Gilman (1998), Authority and Mysticism in Quaker and Buddhist Thought. Landenberg, P.A. (18 pp)

Religious Education Committee (of FGC) Pamphlet: Edward Hoare (1995). Deepening the Spiritual Life of the Meeting. (10 pp)

Religious Education Committee (of FGC) Pamphlet: Emily B.H. Phillips (1968). Thoughts from a Quaker Home. (16 pp)

Religious Education Committee (of FGC) Pamphlet: Religious Education Faces the Future--The 1964 Rufus Jones Lecture. (1964) Editor Paul H. Vieth. (+ supplement, 13 pp)

Rozman, Deborah (1975). Meditating with Children: The Art of Concentration and Centering. Boulder Creek, CA: University of the Trees Press. (154 pp)

Sheeran, Michael J. (1983). Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions in the Religious Society of Friends. Denver: Regis College. (153 pp)

Steere, Douglas V. (1966). Prayer in the Contemporary World. New York: National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (32 pp)

Steere, Douglas V. (1988). Introduction from Quaker Spirituality. Philadelphia Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. (55 pp)

Vipont, E. (1977). The Story of Quakerism. Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press. (324 pp)

Watson, Elizabeth (1990), Sexuality: A Part of Wholeness. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. (28 pp)

Wiederkehr, Macrina (1899). A Tree Full of Angels: Seeing the Holy in the Ordinary. San Francisco: Harper & Row. (158 pp)

Wilson, E. Raymond (1976). Thus Far on My Journey: An Autobiography. Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press. (324 pp)

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