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My images of Quebec

by Marlene Jones (Zhou Malin)
Victoria Monthly Meeting

A teacher in Saskatchewan represented our French curriculum as the opportunity to talk to our fellow-Canadians. I was inspired to make myself bilingual, and in pursuit of this aim, I spent a summer working in Quebec City. First impressions were of pastoral scenes, of a history older than my own and esteem for the traditional crafts. A later sojourn in Montreal added elements of true sophistication to the picture. The creative flair of Quebecers was everywhere in theatre, film, writing, music and of course the great lifestyle. My hope is that I can continue to feel intimately -related- to all this. My fear is that the views of history will prove to be a gap too wide to bridge and a part of my identity will be removed.

The shadow of our travelling earth Hung on the silver moon.
-Charles Tennyson-Turner, Eclipse of the Moon